Game down?

cooking food …25 mins for my food to be rdy …after that ist game time …i hope :stuck_out_tongue:

don’t forget to calculate time to eat as well

EVE y u no let me play my spaceship?

Gief compo

what compensation have they give us from last times this happened not a thing so how have they been fair with compensation have you got that I never got?

Why oh why…Pls EVE start working again…My beloved veldspar is awaiting me…

It’s working…IT"S WORKING :smiley:



shows every person in an abyssal space, mission or ect, after ccp shut down your ships and everything stay’d in space.

and were nuked. hundred plus npc kills all at 14:35 to 14:46

Wonder if they have to replace all those ships!!! look at how many

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