Game Too Buggy = CCP Lost Another Omega Player

So you messed up as didn’t know what you doing but it is somehowCCP’s fault?

What are the chances you gonna take accountability for your actions and appologise to CCP for badmouthing them due to your mistake?

You should thank CCP for stopping you piling on the pounds.

Being an Omega player, you do seem quite entitled.

You should book a session with @James_Fuchs to teach you the art of humbleness.

You don’t get broker fees…you just get sales tax ( which you can reduce by increasing Accounting skill to leve V ). In order to get the best deal, you don’t sell all the PLEX at the ‘immediate’ level value but progressively sell in chunks that give you the highest you can get for each chunk…

For example I bought 1500 PLEX and converted to about 7.6 bn ISK…

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Still waiting…

EVE’s market transaction is fairly robust, and has taken a lot of hammering over the decades, so it’s unlikely to be broken in this case. It does however have it’s various oddities and “takes some getting used to” interface design, and that’s likely what you ran into.

The transaction was started and then cancelled due to lack of ISK for fees. So the Plex probably moved within your inventory in the process. It could be in the Plex vault. It could be in Station inventory. It could be in a different station inventory if you happen to have moved stations while dealing with the issue. Heck, it could even be in a ship cargo bay if you were moving other stuff around at the same time.

There is a “Personal Assets” icon with a Search window for locating assets. I’m not in-game atm but think it’s Alt-T for keyboard shortcut. Or look in the EVE menu. That should help you locate it.

As for tickets, it’s not wise to accept what you see posted on the forums without reservation. People often exaggerate delays, or never actually posted their ticket in the first place due to an error, or they posted some half-baked midnight rant that the GMs can’t even figure out. In fact probably 80% of the “this game sucks, support sucks, game is bugged” reports here are user error due to some interface snag the poster wasn’t familiar with.

That partly explains some of the dismissive replies you’ve received. Another part is that you get better answers if you start from a “Hello, I did X in-game and got Y result which seems broken to me, what should I do next?” - rather than jumping straight to “Game is broke and this sucks and CCP gets no more of my money!”. Longer-term posters have seen this before and it often turns out to be an user issue.

(I note you were somewhat dismissive yourself of other posters complaining about various aspects of EVE in other threads.)

Opening a ticket is helpful, it reminds you at the time to get screenshots, to check your transaction logs, and gives you a record of when and where and what happened while it’s still fresh. It’s true, sometimes support replies in short order, and sometimes they take two weeks. And sometimes you have to explain the situation twice more after they do reply because they don’t understand the problem (they’re not players, generally). But it’s better to have filed it than not, and once they do understand the issue they’re generally fairly helpful.


Altara has some good advice here. Also, sometimes when trying to raise ISK, you find you don’t have the ISK fees to post the transaction. So take Altara’s advice, and break the transaction down to smaller pieces, and post small batches for the best price. Then use the ISK from the smaller sales to cover the fees of the next one.

It’s also wise to give every transaction setup a review and eyeball the amount, the taxes, the total expected return etc. Many people have been caught by forgetting a few zeroes on their price, or adding too many zeroes and getting hit with a huge transaction fee.

Edit: if you end up playing EVE long-term, you’re going to run into any number of “the game or the interface didn’t give me the results I expected” issues. It’s best to get in good habits early.


Still not home. I have a life, I hope you understand that.

I think he was trying to sell to a buy order…which is something I have never done. That’s where you’d get the broker fees. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to have broker fees and sales tax. When I buy PLEX to convert to ISK, I just head to Jita…no need to take PLEX with me as it is in PLEX wallet…and use the ‘Sell PLEX’ option that is in the PLEX wallet itself.

I could not sell all 1500 PLEX at the ‘highest’ market price…only 1400 of them. So I sold that 1400, leaving 100, and then starting with 1 PLEX I increased the batch size until I was able to sell 97 at the next highest available price for that amount.

There was no broker fees…as this was directly selling to the market.

( Incidentally…having accounting at Level V saved me about 250m ISK in tax ! )

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I completely understand. It’s just that the way I live my life, I don’t rage post to a forum and then walk away completely unable to act upon others trying to help me and with insufficient information to clarify further.

So you can see how it’s not exactly the most constructive community contribution with the way you live.

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I didn’t rage post and I haven’t walked away completely as attested by my posts
I am busy, I hope you can understand that.

It doesn’t look like anyone can help or even wants to believe me so it would be better if this thread is closed.

I will introduce a ticket if/when I feel like bothering with customer service.

CCP will get financial transactions from me if/once I get my 500 PLEX.
If not, I am perfectly fine playing on Alpha for the hell of it.

@ISD_Traindriver I would appreciate if a ISD closes this thread.
Thank you.

There’s your answer right there. :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

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@Uriel_the_Flame Some “Veteran”. What is it exactly you do on this forum besides trolling threads?

I’ve generally found Support get back pretty quickly. I had one instance of a ‘bug’ where the Support person took the trouble to respond 6 times to explain I had not understood how Eve works. Won’t say what the issue was as I don’t want to add to Aisha’s list of comical ‘bugs’.

Calling you out on your BS is not trolling. Though not surprised you interpret it like that as per the usual mindset of your kind: “everything I disagree with or is not agreeing with me is trolling”.

:wink: :blush:

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Have you checked your Personal Assets window? (Alt-T will open it up.)

It can be possible that your PLEX didn’t go back to your PLEX wallet but went into the inventory of the station you tried to sell at.

Also could you share a screenshot of your wallet history since setting up the PLEX sell order?

Yes you did

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Are you part of a player corp? If so did you sell it for the corp and if you did it would show in the corps accounts and not yours.
If not i would still put a mail in for it to ccp, i think they might take lost money a bit more seriously than someone with a stuck ship.

So you’re just trolling on here, and insulting regular members. Got it.


Got it. :wink:

I will see about all that. If I find my 500 PLEX, good. If not I will just be an Alpha pilot since I cannot trust the game to bug and things getting lost.
Thank you for the suggestion.