Gaming addiction

Wow, look at that! You seem to understand the problem.
Any observations, suggestions, solutions?

What other level is there?

Or win a medal of “honor”. lol

Our whole life is just an anecdote. Too bad nobody’s listening to us tell the story.

What’s an interview? Street pusher? I don’t understand.

I get the feeling that explaining this further would be a waste of both our time.

You’re gonna bring your “feels” into this?

What is the point of calling them an “addict”?



Gaming addiction is a hell of a lot better for you than Heroin addiction.


I like :chocolate_bar:

can’t sleep if not have a few oz daily

Gaming addiction is bad, gaming addiction is real but real gaming addiction is far less common than some politics, “experts” and the media make it look like. Source: The little sister of my best man works as a school psychologist and with a focus on prevention of addictive behavior. According to her most pupils that she treats have a learning/working problem.

They just don’t get the “first do what has to be done, second do whatever you want to do”- principle. As a result they do anything but learn, get bad grades and worry their parents. What the parents see is that the kids play games all afternoon and jump to the conclusion that the games must be the root of the problem. Well, the games are just the thing they want to do most and they don’t have the spirt to do homework first. If there was no games they would probably watch TV, read comics or whatever. But they are not addicted to those things, they just can’t get themselves to do stuff they don’t like to do.

The psycho lady says all parents look for something to blame their children’s laziness on. Some are hypersensitive, some have ADHS and some are gaming addicts, but no-one raised a lazy child that thinks everything will be just handed to them for the rest of their lives. Fun fact: All the gamers I know in private have good jobs. Again: Gaming addiction is bad, gaming addiction is real but I think it is a much exaggerated topic.

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Yo @Ralph_King-Griffin you have a youtube link to that scene I want to hear what he is saying.

I do not,
you sir need to go watch Young Frankenstein again.


Can’t wait for them to classify social media addiction too


Already happening.

You have to wonder about people with Instagram accounts of hundreds of selfies.

Whats even more concerning, is how “normal” that is getting to be perceived as.


Fairly sure in 40 years time we’ll see Facebook and Instagram as the “Joe Camel”'s of our time TBH


Fun Fact: I actually don’t actually know any heroin users.

Seriously though, with alcohol there is use, abuse, and addiction. Gaming is the same.

Play a game to kill some time - use.
Use all your free time to game - still use, but at the edges.
Make poor decisions in order to free more time to game - abuse.
Literally cannot stop gaming due to withdrawal - addiction.

–Gadget… pushing towards abuse.

Far more likely we will see them then as gov audited personal ID sites.
FB/Instagram will provide that service.

Instead of a passport, you will have an internet ID, including biometric data.

There is a lot of data that can be mined out of peoples FB/Instagram output, which can be collated by algorithms to a great degree of certainty as to who someone is and what whom they are as a person, where they have been, and why, especially as cross-referenced against other data such as friends etc.

You are underestimating the value of data.

I think you vastly underestimate the impacts social media have had on the mental health of a great many young people who are unaware of it. Being only a couple of years out of being a kid myself, I can really see it.


I see a difference here, but that may be due to personal experiences. First of all I lost people to alcohol, but none to gaming. Have to explain myself when I decline a drink and I can’t remember that I heard anyone say “you don’t game at all” in disbelieve ever. Both can be addictions, but alcohol is by far the more dangerous and wide spread one.

Thats a different issue, but not one govs or companies care about.

You are deluded if you think social media is going to go away, rather than being concreted as a real factor of day-to-day life for us all.

I agree, social media addiction is a far bigger issue than gaming addiction.

You don’t go into a bar or shop and see the staff at a console or PC playing Mario Karts 45 or Gran Tourismo 31.98.
But what you do see is far too many with their heads glued to their phones rather than finding something to do at work.

It got to a point with my mate who owns 2 pubs that he had to warn staff after getting sick of finding them gazing at their phone that if they couldn’t find something to do, he’d start to leave them a list everyday.

Not sure if this is allowed, but here’s a quick link to some deaths due to overgaming.

TBH, some of these may be due to “binge” gaming, and would be abuse rather than addiction, but abuse and addiction can exist together, as they are two separate things. To be sure, I do not know of any case of someone dying of gaming withdrawal, but I also know of no incident of smoking withdrawal deaths either. Nicotine is clearly known to be addictive.

And I’ve personally experienced the social ramifications of declining a drink. But social views change, so that’s a separate topic.

–Clean Gadget