Gangs of 5 Ospreys - anybody know why?

What does that mean?

If i have to explain this we have at least found ONE of your many problems…

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You seem to spout a lot of nonsense.

See what i’m talking about?

No real arguments,just taunting and insulting.

And straight up falsifications like other games even allowing multiboxing…

Stay by the truth and nobody has a problem…not even with ccp fanboys :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s not like you have any arguments…

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Maybe instead of ranting on the forums you should take it up with CCP.
BUT dont forget to post their LOL reply to you.
From a business pov it makes perfect sense to allow multiboxing, From a players view ( my personal opinion and i have been playing since 2004 ) multiboxing is great for the solo player as it opens up more options of gameplay.
Like when i get bored with using 18 macks and an orca to mine ice to feed my fuel needs for structures i will go run some flashpoints Again using multiple accounts. Maybe i then go do PI with said accounts.
Makes me wonder if you are just to space poor to have alts or maybe you just not proficient enough to even be able to run multiple accounts, Please show us on the teddy bear where the multiboxers hurt you . But seriously Multiboxing has been part of eve for as long as i can remember and why should CCP change it because YOU arent happy about it.
Why dont you go play one of these games where you cant multibox then ???

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Quite the narrow minded, inexperienced view you have there. Maybe you should understand that there’s more to this game than the newbie area. There are places where having multiple accounts is almost mandatory. Maybe you should do some digging and learn that highsec incomes have been repeatedly nerfed through the years, always in direct response to threads like this.

So by all means, keep shooting yourself in the foot demanding further nerfs to highsec incomes, because that’s the solution CCP uses. They will never restrict to one active Omega account, because it would be financial suicide. Rough estimates based on last known data has average accounts per player at just under 2, so your subscription fee would have to double to compensate for CCP banning all multiboxing accounts. While you may or may not be foolish enough to pay that, I most certainly am not. I’m also as certain a vast majority of single account subscribers wouldn’t pay it either, though I obviously cannot prove this.

Maybe go do some content that isn’t so easily multiboxed? Things that require attention and actively playing the game are usually a good bet.


could not agree more, not to mention if you do want to get somewhere, doing some community effort, you have to start somewhere.
if you yourself already provide a small fleet, where a new corp member can join into, that supercharges the experience for everyone involved.

i don’t wait for corp members … i just multibox the activity, and when someone does come along, i drop one toon and let the corp member join in the activity.

in a small corp, without this, group activities would just never happen. unless the CEO acts like stalin and demands certain times to be on or somethings like that. which kinda blows the fun out of it, since this isn;t supposed to be a job.

thats just one aspect of it, i could come up with 100 more reason on how multiboxing makes the experience better and another 100 more that make it worse, but in the end, each one is a paying customer (natural or not, makes little to no difference)

one thing is certain, its not like multiboxers have an advantage,
as a fleet made out of individuals (hat know what they are doing and listen to the FC)
is almost always going to have “better results” than a fleet made of 1 guy that multiboxes.

unless the fleet does a minial task no corp member wants to do anyway … like mining with 18 macks or watching ventures get shot at in homefront :wink:


That’s a great way using alts to stimulate corp activities

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