Gankers are Not Polite or Patient with Miners

I like the higs anchor a lot in low sec, when you see a neutral I like to move at around 80-85. Let’s you continue mining without interruption from explorers etc. And if something drops on top of you you can just insta warp before they can lock onto you, in most cases.

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She can’t see what you typed as you are blocked.

The answer is ofcourse as she is royalty and secondly , being ganked by the princess is an honor with the privilege of being imortilized on her killboard till the end of time.

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You shouldn’t treat royalty like that.
Love it or Hate it, the Saviorette of highsec and Safety has been providing game content for years.
Without them highsec would be boring.

Fun fact plenty of people say hi to Aiko in local, I remember frequently mining ice in hilama and seeing her pass by



The clown is just jealous.

He is secretly one of her greatest admirers.

Now with regards to frostpuppy, he travels far and wide just to catch a glmpse of the princess, like a lovesick puppy.

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I can come up with such a creepy and truly evil laugh that my friends asked me to stop doing it.

I’m addicted to mining Veldspar


At cost, which includes this fee also right?

I’m getting them to station and will put the contract up.

5b should cover at cost for these ganker ships.

@Chad_Frostpacker You have another fish on the line! When can I start buying ships at cost

Must appreciate sending to you rather to Princess for free!

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Yeah right

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I’m going to make extra but just think if I received isk from him I could send that to her! :thinking:

Send it anyhow, you said that you are rich.

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We already proved such fact.

We no longer need to discuss it other wise it could become Recognition and that would go against our Princess and the comment that was made.

/it’s now outside our control

Princess had spoken

Thus means that any future funding will be in secret

The problem is that you continue to insult her.

Now as you know , Zaera is a Doctor of Gankotherapy. In her expert opinion the Frostpackers, Felix in particular, should send the princess 14 billion after each and every insult as part of their discipline training.

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Picture proof or it never happened!

/we support Safety and we will not be trying to blowup the yellow ganker loot in n the near future.

I am sure that Private Inspector @Uriel_the_Flame would be more than happy to oblige, careful what you wish for.

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For each allegation that had not been proven we then will be charging @Uriel_the_Flame that will lower the 25 billion that might become due at the end of the year if that scam can still stands.
Deductions have already commenced because you decided to drag Uriel into this issue.

Be careful Wordsalads, as I told you earlier if you go back on your given word, then a lifetime block of all Frostpacker characters (past and future ones, both in-game and elsewhere) is in order. :thinking:


We have a plan and I am sure you will not like it


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We already know that as soon as the pings start to show your pilot will pull the goods from that scam can.

/been doing tests and how we had found out that a pilot can not warp while in criminal status.

//we are already in production of the ships that we will use and we will be needing many of them