"Ganking has gone too far" vs "Not enough empire ganking" ? Poll inside!

Y’know what I miss? Sitting off the Osmon undock and blapping Tengus all day in 'Nados with friends. We made bank, had tons of fun and made lots of new friends.

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Why can’t you do that anymore?

Apologies upfront zOtberg,

I have used all 15 of my omega ALT’s and numerous Alpha accounts to vote in your poll. Silly me has voted for “more ganking” ( yes Pedro and Ima are just a few of my finger puppets, to dis credit the ganktard community ). How do I change my 20+ votes to “Less ganking” now that they are locked in?

It’s also come to my attention, over 230+ peeps in the in-game AG channel are boycotting your poll, suggesting the pollster has a bias. Can we just drop them into the poll as a block anyways?

One last repechage, Dryson ( we are tight buds, not one of my ALT’s ) says he has tried to vote multiple times, seems his name just makes your programme code crash???


Why would an ag vote for less ganking? That would literally mean less content for them


Because they’re definitely not the smartest cookies :sweat_smile:


I can vouch that the cookie community is strongly in favor of more ganking.


I’m gonna take a guess and say they are not doing AG for “content”. They are doing it to resist your unwanted forced content.

Poll is inaccurate any way. Someone already said that all their alts voted for the wrong thing…and Me personally, I just don’t care enough to log on my 6 alts to vote…Nothing is gonna change anyway.

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Yeah nah
Nitshe didn’t vote (unless he proves me wrong)
So still accurate

And most ag (they don’t have caps) would quit if ganking didn’t exist… gankers are the only reason they even bother to log on :sweat_smile:

Huh? … content is conflict and conflict is content :thinking: They chose to live there and chose to fight back.

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funny that.

A valid question that should be put to the “in-game” AG community, who avoid the fumes in the C&P dumpster ( I’m used to the smell n like it ).

Much the same as; would Doctors promote a cure for cancer? I’m sure most would and reskill in other areas of medicine, or would be freed up to focus on other areas of medicine.

( I hope you don’t find offence Ima in me equating Code nor Ganking to cancer, I know how sensitive you are precious, ‘cancer’ is just an innocent metaphor )

Sincerely your bosom friend.


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You mean they play ag because they hate that content instead of playing something they would enjoy? I guess that explains the frustration and toxicity.

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I don’t know how many people read these forums, but it’s almost certain that some of them suffer from cancer - perhaps you could choose your words a little more carefully.

All I see is a “Please gank me!”-button and a “I want to be as cool as a ganker!”-button. :rofl:

I’ll refrain from picking sides if that’s ok.

Please don’t read things out of context, intelligent people don’t seem to have the same problem. Pull your head in.

I cant speak for all their motives, just make general observations in the main. What I can say is you are correct ref frustration. A frustration with unbalanced Bumping; Risk vs Reward. (Dracvald gives a very detailed pragmatic explanation.)

As for toxicity, the casual observer, who is not a Code flunky nor ganker, can clearly see the lion share of toxic behaviour is owned and bragged about by your side. Who are you really trying to fool Ima. These are the Eve Forums, really!?!


Attacking a ganker for being a ganker is as bad as being a ganker, because gankers are players, too.

You cannot preach one thing, but then go into the offense when you’re upset about them.


Ah the infaillible argument about antigankers being non-toxic :sweat_smile:

There’s bad apples on both sides (actually less on the ganker side since some got banned), so yeah… nah

Putting all eggs in one single basket is what antigankers are good at, generalizing so that their views make sense… lmao


I don’t follow your logic in the context of what has been said between Ima and myself. No slight on you, just not clear to me what your saying.

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You’re calling Ima out, are you not? That’s your way of fighting back, but that’s what gankers do, too. They, too, are fighting their fight. It only isn’t for the same reasons. You are really just playing their game when you’re fighting back.

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