Ganking has gone too far

Are you sure it’s already time for the victory dance?

inb4 PA sells griefing permits for RL currency. :smiling_imp:

Yes and I have RL money those pitty looser do not, they’ll can ■■■■ themselfs in catalyst flocks :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Yeah feel free to start pouring that RL money into EVE any time, I really like it when some blep with false expectations pays for the my game time by lowering PLEX prices :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


PA have different views on PLEX and gametime, you’ll see, :joy::joy::joy:

Don’t hold your breath waiting for EVE to become the carebear paradise you dream it to be. I mean you waited 15 years already you know the drill :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


One month of instant Concord protection for 1000 PLEX coming to a New Eden Store near you. The question is for how much will they sell immunity from Concord?

In before Dryson and his damn ganking permits…

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For much more than poor bastard from code can pay.


Is that the top ten list of all the games where you cry on the forums?

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I’ve only read up to this point and wanted to respond real quick.

It is also easy for a group of guys to talk to each other get in some frigates and outnumber and destroy the the catalyst ganker multiple times until hes lost a good 500m. Ive always said in this forum that newbros can do alot if they have the right leader/teacher. I won a few fights back in the day when 5 newbros fitted up ships as i requested and let me fleet command them we took out a few battle cruisers. Some of the newbrows were 20 days old…

The solution is either the newbro going to a skilled player for help and doing whats suggested or more experienced people starting more newbro corps.

What will Pearl Abyss will tell about this topic ???

That you can buy a super ganking ship for 45.99 and a supsuper gankproof ship for 59.99.


Actually, probably nothing. You’ve never played BDO? Ganking is a thing there, too. In fact, during my time playing, I lost count of how many ‘innocent traders’ I ganked trying to make their fortune in Valencia, crossing the desert in their huge wagons essentially painting a target on their backs.


Yeah except eve is 100% PvP zone and bdo is 0.1%

You can PVP in any area outside of a town ‘safe zone’. That’s substantially more than 0.1%. Your hyperbole is invalid.

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I actually don’t care to investigate. Game was garbage.

It still is garbage. It doesn’t mean there’s no ganking or PV.