Anything less than current eve danger is unacceptable.
That depends entirely on who you are, and what the game is. If we’re talking about EVE, then I agree. What works for EVE doesn’t work for every game on the market, though.
I am talking about eve. Other games don’t matter especially here.
And I was replying to someone who suggested PA might do something about the ganking in EVE, and explained that PA allow ganking in BDO. The point was, of course, and I’ll keep this simple for the simple minded here, that PA probably won’t do anything about ganking. They have no reason to.
Huh I thought this was another topic… Thanks Obama. The reply that the forum linked me to was indeed to someone else…
Edit: it’s because I started this thread I see. Ironic considering what my opinion is now.
Ganking is fine
People getting ganked are bad
Voilà! Le secret of life
There is no such thing…
FTP games have all gone to the shiny object model. Rather than invest in the game itself, they put out over-priced cosmetic junk because apparently the internet if full of all day suckers, that will pay anything for something shiny, or a slight advantage in game play.
FTP games are businesses that have found the perfect scam. Sucker the whales in with shiny objects. It’s far easier and cheaper to hire graphic artists than it is to hire competent devs.
it ain’t the shiny. it’s the idea of buying social status so they feel like they’re belonging somewhere or are better than others. modern marketing is targeting lower instincts of dumb people.
In EVE if you are a criminal and stop moving for a moment, you’ll get shot at. No prison at all. How 'bout that?
To all who are against ganking, I say try it yourself, then draw conclusions about how “easy it is”.
Also, learn how to use the fitting tool and not to go AFK on the pipes. Don’t expect to survive the trip in a T1 indy with 3 cargohold expanders and crap in the mid slots, not to mention the game has an extra called “courier contracts”. Dem truckers have experience with hauling, leave it to the pros.
With the Goons transferring a ton of faction forts via hisec to Amarr, are CODE going to step up their freighter ganking to include such juicy targets or are CODE going to go missing in action while this lovely lot get taken in perfect safety to Amarr.
Just wondering @Australian_Excellence
PS Was glad to Sort was not stupid enough to agree to take them to Amarr.
You should read the back issues of occasionally. Amongst other items you will come across the person purporting to be James “I’m just a naughty boy” 315, crowing over a Goon-aspirant who “failed” their joining interview because they were bad-mouthing the New Order. The impression being created (true or not) was that Goons were supportive of Code-like activity in hisec. How far such “support” goes, such as in offering “freedom of navigation” is open to speculation.
CODE. will gank whoever for whatever reason.
They can also not gank for whatever reason
So who cares if they shoot goon freighters?
No one…
I think he might surprise you. He is not very fond of Goons, at least was for some time.
I have seen some ganks of Goons in the past and one in which the webber was a goon last week.
It was a question, I will be interested to see if these faction forts will be of interest or not. I hope he does, because he can prove me wrong, they are certainly valuable enough. And by the way that Tri JF full of them made me laugh a lot.
@Annah_Tsero you are Dom Arkaral, I have detailed this bait post, it is odd that you will reply to a person who you have accused of harassment. Suggest you desist, last warning.
You are at it again, but note that I am going to reply to the other people in threads, but in terms of you and your alts I will just add the line Dom Arkaral bait posting again . And that is all I am ever going to say to you from now on.
I am Annah Tsero (obviously not my real name irl)
Stop bantering with your poor assumptions
And about Dom, we’ve been in many places together, he’s in my alliance, we both were in CODE. , Black Hydra, Marmite… but hey I surely cannot be one of his rl friends can I? That would be impossible to fathom
*stands up*
I am Solsticus !
This thread is going places
I am too and so’s my wife!
You are Biggus Dickus, you wank as high as any in Wome; your wife is Incontinentia Buttocks
- Billy is Nortius Maximus
My favourite film of all time, the life of Brian, the whole fall off tower into space ship while being chased, space battle and crash, and then as he steps out of the wreckage someone says you lucky B#stard. I was in the cinema watching that when it first came out and I almost wet myself laughing at that. Brilliant, total brilliance…