They advertised it in Sweden as “The film so funny it was banned in Norway”.
Heh it turns out my local council banned it here too, the ban was lifted for one showing in 2015 and then put back in place.
Humourless gits.
They advertised it in Sweden as “The film so funny it was banned in Norway”.
Heh it turns out my local council banned it here too, the ban was lifted for one showing in 2015 and then put back in place.
Humourless gits.
Pretty sure it was banned here too. Thanks Rev. Ian Paisley.
Just catching up in my unread threads (quite a few of those)
It’s funny seeing you accusing people of being me, especially since we’ve been in a lot of places together…
Onslaught looks fine, let’s hope next expansion came with tools and systems against ganking.
We already have them, you’re just too lazy to use them; you’ll probably be too lazy to use any new ones too.
When I pay something I expect that is work for me.
I bought a car and car drive me from home to job, I do not puh car all that way. I will be glad to pay microtransaction which make me invulnerable in HiSec.
Plz CCP could you put something like that ingame, my money is waiting.
That is the point at which I will be glad to unsubscribe all my accounts and forget about eve.
You have local, you can share intel with others operating in the same area as you, you can tank yourself, you can be paying attention to surroundings… so many tools to avoid gank.
If it comes to this one day, just promise me that you STAY HERE and don’t follow the people who actually enjoyed how EVE was to the next game that offers open world PvP. Even is the game gets boring as hell because nothing happens anymore. Ok?
@NotTheSmartestCookie there was a day i was with a lowsec corp, there was highsec incursions nearby, we had been told of an afk Vindicator having autopiloted his way to the area, we ganked it with catalysts, not for loot though what little he had and/or dropped wasn’t bad, but literally for the lulz and to say “look what we did el oh el” So i agree with another post about being bored and yours about interesting killmail
All the lost souls in the messages above. Ganking is a sin and must not occur in the sacred spaces of the HiSec space. We all need to be cleansed of sin and turn to the light of the four empires. Unfortunately, not all are capable and ready for such noble and sublime goals. All can not walk through light and good.
There are the circles of hell, above all, hell in their hearts and souls that breaks them apart and acts on such actions. Further there are the helical circles under the name LowSec and NullSec, these are areas of suffering where the restless and lost souls ganks each other to the end of eternity.
Save at least sacred space from HISec from ganking obscenity.
One thing is certain: if your 12 step program does not include the purchase & display of a Mining Permit you are not on the road to salvation.
On the path of light immortal capsuleers encounter the greatest obstacle, they encounter the deceit of their minds and hearts.
For it is not only evil to do evil, it is evil to cheat you so that you are doing evil yourself, and you are convinced that you are doing good. These false prophets, those false teachers came from the unimaginable distance of scams and used immortal capsules as foolish tools, as obedient hands to carry out their spells and wickedness.
How miserable they are to be slaves to fake teachers, oh how they think they do good and actually do evil to themselves and their equals, how sad their destiny is.
We need to help our lost brothers, they have to look into their poisoned hearts, to reject the poison of false teachers, and to rejoice proudly by the end of their immortal capsuleers.
The CODE of heretics whisper to the heart, to do the killing of the weak and the small, to week must be extinguished as a burden, our misguided brothers do not see that with each shot they kill themselves and destroy their own way of glory. This is the hellish plan of false teachers and prophets. Killing our brothers, immortal capsules, they are killing other to kill themselves.
Oh wake up mistaken immortal capsules, wake up while is not all over.
Do you mean James 315 space?
Your solution implies using a brain, that’s not inclusive and so 2010. It’s 2018 now.
Those false teacher who exploits the high ideals and strenght and pwer of immortal capsuleers to tear them and destroy them from the inside, he came from the darkness of the universe J and only act that hi is part of HiSec. His desire and purpose is to destroy HiSec for the benefit and joy of NullSec and LowSec hell circuits.
HiSec will return to its roots and ideals and discard false teachers, and the first step in that direction will be to protect the weak and the small, punctiliously preventing the ganks.
HiSec will strengthen and re-gain the advantage and supremacy over the hellish and damned LowSec and NulSec
He is entertaining, not you.
Why did you stop logging onto all your alts and liking your own posts?
It was totally working.
He did that? really?
And posted in the same thread as different characters.
Oh, how to hide the wrongdoing, but to falsely accusing the other of the crime.To accuse someone of praising and raising himself to hide himself as the one of his fake white faces pervades most of the scum of the righteous writer.
How to hide from evil of shooting small and weak rather than saying that they were stupid and unworthy to live and that it should be destroyed for the sake of all.
Ganking can be tried to justify by lies with miserable constructions and stupid stories but it can never be justified.