I would preface this with “apologies to Bob Dylan” but he’s a boomer so the hell with him.
Well, they’ll gank ya when you’re trying to haul some stuff
They’ll gank ya and say “well that’s rough”
They’ll gank ya when you’re tryin’ make some ISK
Then they’ll gank ya and then tell you all about risk.
Who do we have to thank?
Everybody must get ganked
Well, they’ll gank ya when you’re trying to go to bed
They’ll gank ya when you’re tryin’ to get some head
They’ll gank ya when you’re tryin’ to sweep the floor
They’ll gank ya and then tell ya why you’re poor.
Who do we have to thank?
Everybody must get ganked
They’ll gank ya when your’re tryin’ to get some dinner
They’ll gank ya when you feel like your a winner
They’ll gank ya when you’re tryin’ to mine some rocks
They’ll gank ya and show you that they’re cocks
Who do we have to thank?
Everybody must get ganked
Well, they’ll gank you when you’re tryin’ to make some PLEX
Then they’ll gank you and then they’ll say “what the heck”
They’ll gank you when you’re flyin’ in your pod
They’ll gank you and then tell you there’s no God
Yes but who do we have to thank?
Everybody must get ganked
Well, they’ll gank you when you’re playing like a hermit
They’ll gank you 'cause you didn’t have a permit
They’ll gank you when you thought you could not be ganked
They’ll gank you and then tell you who to thank
Who do we have to thank?
Everybody must get ganked
It is interesting how you try to derail important comunication about general problem to personal insult. First tougt tohose general things are to big for you and you can not handle it.
On secound tought derailing the conversation is the goal of falcons trolls to remove important things from focus and disolve forum into milion personal insults, quarrels and confrontations.
But main point is Big players need the illusion that everything is fine to gradually pull out and save their funds and assets from a game that is failing to collapse, last man in Eve will stay with billions of useless ISKs and Plexs, and great players with rescued funds will continue their bussines on another fields/games.
Already saw their beacheads in new perspective open world games.
If you are so concerned about derailing important discussions, why don’t you go back to your thread in out-of-pod instead of concern-trolling this thread?
Or go visit a RL shrink to talk about your abandonment issues.
I didn’t say that Eve Online is flourishing. You’re the one making the claim that ganking is so damaging because it is keeping new players from playing the game… Support your claim?
Why would I it is true, but for years you have switch theses tha bad is good and was supported by money tha investors putting in Eve. Now investors money has gone and switched theses run out of fuel.
Prove your awkward reality now when Eve must produce money not just spending investors funds
I think CCP is making money. I don’t think PA would purchase if the transaction was going to result in massive losses. Do I think Eve Online is healthy? Not particularly, but that has absolutely nothing to do with ganking and more about how CCP does a variety of things wrong.
I’m not a game developer though, so maybe they are thinking at some level I’m incapable of comprehending… What I can tell you is that CCP Rise has said himself.
“We have tried and tried to validate the myth that griefing has a pronounced affect on new players - we have failed… Isolating players away from the actual sandbox seems very contrary to what we would like to accomplish.”
Truth is that EVE has been funding CCPs various failed attempts at game development for over a decade. And that was before they introduced the skill injector, which has massively improved CCPs ability to extract value from so-called whales.
If it’s true, you should have absolutely no problem with producing evidence to support it; however if you are, as I suspect, an alt of the LSG mob, truth appears to be something you are wholly unfamiliar with.
Ganking is product of sick mind which can not produce anything
interesting and attractive and to hide his shortcomings he declared mindless distruction “CONTENT” and that is Eve “truth”.
Pitty, like current Eve apologetics, using violence to hide to hide their emptines …