Ganking is the only consistent and "fair" content

You do understand not everyone has to win at PVP Roleplay right?

Says you.
My fast align gnosis does 601 dps, which clearly makes me the victor!

Only 601?

Sad… keep training you will get there one day!

I beat you with 860 DPS.

He will outsmart you and your rule: he still can self-destruct while garbage collecting. :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

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Frostpacker might play the fool though we are far from being garbage!!! :rage:

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Stardew is definitely the land for you.

You are too emotionally fragile to be a capsuleer.

Except they are not?

So sayeth the pilot who gets so upset when he dies, and is immortal, that he cries to the gods to change the rules so he can’t die any longer.

I pity you friend.

Thank you…you prove that i’m absolutly right with every word i say without even noticing it…you do my work for me…very convinient…:slight_smile:

Which is the main problem the game has…the sole cause for a player loss that wouldn’t be neccessary without the stubborness and invalidibility to change things to the better of the devs…

only thing he proof is that your not even reach your 15th year of life xD

you didnt “work” xD you just said stupid things because you cant handle the game and you blame everything else but not you :wink:

but your idea does not improve the game xD and btw … you as a little cryhard who cant handle the game with his ignorance want to claim that he knows exactly whats good for the game ? xD no you only want things tahts good for YOU !

You continuing to make foolish posts that show your are a one sided bubbled person who thinks he knows everything does not make it more true…yellers are always wrong…

Again a post that proves that you get nothing and are just attacking an opinion you don’t like instead of actually discussing the theme…this is too easy and too see- throughable…you try to devalue an extremly valid opinion because you have no argument against it…

No…it just don’t improves the game of YOUR gamestyle…but,believe it or not, PVP is just a minority in this game…
Your playstyle is completely irrelevant and therefore can be ignored completely…
you are just pathetic and one sided thinking ONLY you count…YOU are the 15 year old in this ‘discussion’

Mic drop…

And again a valid post reported…

You are so pathetic it really hurts the head.

You cannot win an argument so you report…

Realism…even more…in the sight of some weaponizing moderation it’s just called self defense…

I don’t blame the mods for not even looking at posts if they are even valid to be hidden but to just hide it…it’s more conviniend…i blame the people that cannot stand another opinion and try to get rid of it abusing report

i never said i know everything and i never claimed it by my posts :wink: if you say so then proof it !

good that you call yourself a liar xD

if you just would accept a discussion then we all would know … but instead you just sai " BAN GANKERS " and other opinions for you are toxic and nothing else … good thinking of a “discussion”

a valid option … xD lol … your only option is to “BAN GANKERS” and this is not an option

im not even affected by this style of play xD

a game all which is only PvP should be the minority … you proof again your not even know what your talking about

you didnt even know my playstyle… otherwise proof what youre talking :wink:

if im the 15 year old them i wtill about 6 years older then you xD

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-sigh- This ends now…

It’s senseless to ‘discuss’ with someone who cannot…

I’ve tried to fight with you on an intelligence level but soon i saw that you have no weapon to hurt me,so i stop it here before you hurt yourself even more…

You can thank me later,for now i’m off…

i dissapointet that i need to say YES it is but i have fun to argue against your sensless posts :slight_smile:

… your intelligence level wasnt high enough for me and you said nothing valuable !

i never want to hurt you oO

i never will hurt myself and you are not able to hurt me :wink:

but now i´m upsett … now there is nobody to proof his ideas are stupid

After listening to what you have to say, in my expert opinion as an expert in Gankotherapy , you should:

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As they are not going to ban ganking due to the fact it has been part of Eve since the beginning…can I have all your stuff when you leave ?


Ya, but mine aligns faster than yours.

So the jokes on you!

You have only one ? I have about 7 variants…pulse lasers, beam lasers, railguns, a cloaky one, a massive 105K EHP one. And so on. Depends what the task is.

Plus in this account I spend most of my time flying a Nightmare, Leshak, or Zealot.