As a “new” player to Eve I have tried a lot of different PvP content. None of which actually delivers any “fair” PvP content other than ganking.
People like to say that ganking isn’t fair, but I would disagree. It’s much easier for a miner to avoid a gank than it is for the ganker to actually gank them.
It’s not rocket science (or well in eve it might be lol) to press V and check if there’s someone camping a site and just not go there? Anyway if there’s someone there already it’s rude to come and steal npcs from other miners too so why would you even waste time going to the site?
It’s not hard to notice that your hauler got scanned at a gate, so who in their right mind would keep going and expect not to be killed?
Just do cloack trick in your hauler and chances are you’ll get away scot free, we don’t have infinite accounts to bring to uncloak your 300m cargo iteron.
Use a god damn insta dock/undock bookmark
Don’t undock what you can’t afford to lose? And if you lose it then treat it as a lesson and don’t repeat what you did wrong.
All of the above is really not that hard and as a ganker you’re pretty much forced to do all of that on a daily basis if not then you’ll just get killed by someone.
As gankers it often takes much more time, effort and isk to actually down another player. I would need to run 3 accounts with decent skills to just down your t1 hauler. And I would fail often enough also due to just game rng/you being tanky. Thhat’s 7.5b isk per month in omega + about 100m for my own fits per gank.
I would need to run a minimum of 3 accounts to down your random paper fit cruiser. And often times it would still not be enough with just 3.
I would need to run a minimum of 2 accounts to down your random frigate/destroyer.
Nothing really is gankable and lootable with just 1 account. Even if you utilize multiple characters as your looters you would still often be too late to get your loot before the miner comes back in a rookie ship
Most valuable cargo is shipped with huge ships like freighters and dst which require an insane amount of either skillpoints or accounts to even think about downing. This can be doable with a big enough fleet, rich enough players and so on, but it’s not feasable for a new player. Nowadays I even see 100m carried by these bigger industrials.
“Go to lowsec/nullsec/wh for PvP”
I have tried and trust me if the content was there I’d mainly be doing that, but there’s not. It’ll never be a fair fight either in numbers or knowledge. I am quite new to the game and I don’t know the ins and outs of every frigate & destroyer so when I do get the rare 1v1 I usually lose. And I came to realize that my mistake was to take the fight in the first place. People in Eve don’t engage a fight unless they’re 95% certain that they will win the fight. No matter how cheap their ship is. And with decades of experience over me I hardly stand a chance unless I want to keep knocking my head against the wall until I can match the experience gap. And even then all I would achieve is to either pray on the newbies who were in my shoes before or just avoid a fight that I know I will lose…
In nullsec people are WAY TOO SAFE. I would argue that certain regions of nullsec are much safer than highsec as an idea. If you even dare to approach a region that’s owned by the bigger alliances you’ll get sat down on casting couch and done dirty in every way possible. You will never find a fair fight in nullsec.
“Join a null/low alliance for pvp”
- And then what? Be the other side that pray on that 1 person who accidentally stepped in the wrong neighbourhood?
- Also unless you’re the fleet commander all you do is F1 monkey.
“Bring all your alts and it’s a fair fight”
- It requires much less mental capacity to use alts for ganking (although it still takes quite a bit and I often missplay due to that) than it is to use them in actual pvp scenarios. Let’s be honest with ourselves, there’s no eve players under 25 and we’re all only getting older.
“Join big fleets, wars, ect”
- Join a war and sit on 2 sides of a gate with 100 people doing nothing but waiting for other side to come through.
- Play the game in 10% speed due to TiDi?
Ganking mostly relies on the players indivudual skill and extremely stupid mistakes from your targets.
I personally think that ganking is very hard to do as a new player and be isk neutral/positive by doing so (and well not dying of boredom waiting for a shuttle with 20 LSI inside) I would like to see it made easier for newer players and actually maybe harder for more experienced / richer players.
But I’m not here just to cry about that boo hoo ganking is hard. The main point of this post is that there is no other PvP activity that can provide nearly the amount of content. I’m not ganking because I love to make miners cry (Even though that’s a nice bonus), I do it because it’s consistent content.
- Please add more content to the game that promotes conflict.
- Try to make nullsec not a safe heaven for carebears behind huge fleets of F1 monkeys guarding the systems that should be highsec.
- Bring back proving grounds. In a way that you can queue with all ship classes in their own queue. People are afraid to lose their frigates in lowsec cause they’re not sure that they will win the fight, ain’t nobody gonna queue up for battleships.
- Think of a mechanic that would increase the chances for heavily outnumbered fights.
Trying to find a fight is heavily punished by the game, while it should be encouraged in a sandbox PvP game.
Fck it make it possible to get back into the action after losing a ship. There’s nothing more annoying than having to fly 20+ jumps in a pod just to fly 20+ jumps back in a slower ship to get back into the fight.
Make travel across New Eden faster.
Remove half of the current systems. This game was built to host more than 25k players, but reality is that we’re not getting more than that so maybe it’s time to adapt?
As I said I’m still a “new” player to the game so there’s a lot that I don’t know. I came here to maybe get some answers from the community, Maybe some could explain why I’m wrong on certain topics. And maybe, but doubt it CCP would actually think about addressing some of the issues I’ve been experiencing.
TL:DR: Ganking is content that can be enjoyed by a single player as well as a fleet of friends, no other PvP activity in eve is.
I would like to see what the community thinks