I disagree. It used to be weekend only event. The reason why peoples got bored of it, was that CCP started pushing bigger and more expensive ships into it, probably as a means to increase overall destruction or idk. At that point it stopped being attractive to me and I bet it was the main reason for players to stop participating as well.
Even t1 battlecruisers are too expensive for most players after industry nerfs and they even forced navy bc into it. Of course the interest in that content dropped. Frigs/dessies/cruisers had at those times pretty good participation rate. I rarely waited more than 1 minute even in US timezone (when is gate totally dead these days).
But does it matter if there’s no other content which suits players that want to have small fleets or even solo pvp? It’s not like they will undock and go to feed the sharks in nullsec or lowsec? They’ll just either stay docked or carry on with their carebear activities. For example I would do that instead of ganking often times.
Variety isn’t bad and also it’s not bad if someone from deepest position in nullsec that will never interact with anyone that’s not an ally get to play with/versus a player that’s sitting in high sec.
The “sandbox” part is already close to non existent with how many players don’t participate in conflict what so ever.
Another option in these factional warfare sites would be to limit the players allowed inside from each militia. This would force players to actually engage in 1v1s, but then it’ll probably have same issue where the person who knows they’ll win go in and the person who knows they’ll lose will leave or vice versa.
It’s not an easy task to tackle, but there is an issue at hand and we should be looking for some solutions. Not sure if CCP will ever read any forum post tho lol but it’s nice to think that they would
Ok fine. But the main problem of lack of content is way too many systems which you are against of ever touching.
So if that won’t change and peoples can’t find content, then despite unhealthy for the game instanced arena has a sense. It is not like there isn’t instanced PVE already…
I would say remove any system that doesn’t have a player structure and players don’t stick around in. I’ve flown through systems that are absolutely empty npc in all security space. So many completely empty npc nullsec systems, so many empty high sec systems…
This would benefit all forms of PvP. Low sec battles would occur more often, Nullsec players would actually have conflict over systems cause they’re not that many and disposable, highsec gankers would also have a higher concentration of targets.
I don’t know per fact, but I’m about 90% certain that the games population has decreased heavily over the 2 decades it’s been out. The game was built for somewhere in the middle of that player count, but I would assume now it’s a small fraction of what it used to be. Especially considering that a lot are people multiboxing and let’s be real botting.
So now we maybe actually need to realize that we don’t have the player count to have a world this big and nuke some systems. Make it an event, some weird ass wormhole exploding and eating up parts of the galaxy or whatnot…
Then again we can’t completely disregard the fact that most of eve players are carebears who don’t like to engage in any kind of pvp and although I personally think that they’re playing the wrong game it is a “sandbox” and do whatever you want right? Most people would not like this change even though it might be very healthy for the pvp players out there.
I specifically said instanced “content” which implicitly refers to both both PVP and PVE.
If there are 30k players online and 1k of those are in Abbysal instances, that means there is really only 29k players online. This is bad for the game as a whole.
Point being while they are inside that instance, they cant be scouted, they cant be ganked and they cant get hot dropped. That is still less potential content for the players doing the hunting and less content for their allies in the response fleet. Its just bad for the game as a whole.
No removing systems, that’s a non starter. It’s absolutely fine that there are both densely populated and sparsely populated areas. Both have value for different sorts of content. And, as has been said, there’s 20+ years of history here. Just because you don’t value some backwater system doesn’t mean that there aren’t folks who have invested a lot of time and effort there.
I understand a lot of your points and agree with some of them. Ganking is fair, but to be honest it is too hard. I ganked off and on for years but eventually gave it up when I realized I could no longer solo gank an untanked Retriever in 0.5 with a T2 Catalyst. It is just too labor intensive now. I don’t want to multibox a bunch of accounts, and my introverted ass doesn’t want to have to fleet up with others every time I log in. I just want to undock and go hunting. They have nerfed ganking to where it’s not fun for me anymore.
I think I could probably change your mind on a lot of lowsec and nullsec PvP if I had the opportunity. While your assessment of it is partially true, there’s still a lot of fun to be had for players with the initiative to find their own content out there.
Lol, what I read is: I’m not good enough for sandbox play, I’m too lazy to learn or be creative, hence asking for arena gameplay … which is the anti-thesis of sandbox play, and shouldn’t have a place in EvE.
We all here went through the learning curve of sandbox PvP, don’t be lazy.
Thats a thousand possible pvp targets, because they basically announced to everyone who bothers to look for traces that someone will be exiting at exactly this place in the next 20 minutes. Running Abyssal content is just “buying a limited window of invincibility for the price of appearing at a fixed and known location within a short timeframe”. If a ganksquad is on the hunt, abyssal traces work greatly in their favor instead of against PvP.
Maybe because you focused on just one of my many suggestions. I’m not against sandbox play in any way, but I feel like players are too far from each other and too comfortable with each other.
Add more stuff for players to fight over, introduce conflict.
Bring players closer together.
Minimize the most boring aspects of eve such as travel
Yes faster travel would introduce some changes to how pvp is done, but it’s the same for both sides so it just makes things go boom faster!
Do you know that CCP does just that? And will do again in a month, and regularly? It’s called events, and this one concentrates greedy PvEers and PvPers in a few constellations of New Eden lowsec. And this region is only a few jumps from Jita with Zarzakh. The Winter event then will drop players in a few systems via filament where then all New Eden will meet and shoot it out.
EDIT: I can go on and on, were you ever in Pochven? Did you visit Curse recently, would you know why? Eve is filled with PvP opportunities, also for solo players, you just need to read the news and watch out.
Ignore them, only krabbers. Or better, scan your way out to FRT space from Nalvula and kill their lvl5 runner’s MTUs.
EDIT: this is for solo perspective, but the best is creating some bonds with the locals in the space you operate more often, so you can ask for help or being asked on bigger targets.
That is a fair point. However, I am a -10 HS ganker. I don’t want to spend my hard earned (stolen) ISK on security tags, just to reduce my security status to play EVE on easy mode. I also don’t want to spent 20mins waiting for a Gila to come out of a trace so I can gank them. I play the game the way it was originally intended. Roaming space and looking for juicy targets, then killing them with skill, precision and ruthless efficiency.
If you want to roam in HS as a -10 you need to gank what you can catch before the police catches you, thats the rule of HighSec and you have chosen your own way. You safe the money for tags and wear the -10 with pride I hope to instill fear and panic in the hearts of others. Having no time to patiently select targets is the price you pay for that lifestile. Choices have consequences, for everyone, gankers are no exception.
Besides this, you can still gank abyssal runners even as a -10er. Novus Ordo once tried to gank my Abyssal Alt by scanning my deepsafe, then placing a scout nearby and waiting until I entered the next trace. Then they brought an Orca to the bookmark, dropping Coercers and Catalysts and the -10er gankchars warped there in pods (which does not cause CONCORD to spawn). When I exited the trace (you hear a very specific sound) and tried to warp out they boarded the ships and tackled me. You need to be creative and patient, as it should be if you want to get the lucrative kills.