Ganking is the only consistent and "fair" content

How it this even relevant…in eve it is not even TRIED to adapt…which is the key problem…the lack of accepting that something needs to be changed…or else…doom…

disqualified for lifetime !

eve is not like other games ! its more specific and its does not need any “adapt” like other games ! eve is existing 20 years and still a lot ppl play this game → sounds CCP does a lot things right

Gankers should be rewarded for generating exciting content. Skins that you can only earn through ganking and so on.


They have to do some Catalyst skins or something. That would be a cool event.

Force? The whole idea of New Eden revolves around this idea.

It is you who are too fragile for life on this side of the gate.

I suggest you pass back thru the gate and retire to the land of Stardew.

The only one I see crying here is you friend. So it must make you a snowflake yes?

Or maybe adapt to the environment you have chosen to join?

It seems to me all you do is cry about it and want the gods to change it instead of adapting and learning.

Or friend, come to the conclusion you are unable to adapt because you are a terrible capsuleer.


Sociopathic Narcissists always are.

Signs you’re dealing with a narcissist - Dr Zaera Keena Ph.D, Gankotherapy

Narcissists have to be the best, the most right, control everyone, life should play out precisely as they envision it, their sense of entitlement makes it seem logical to them that they should be in control of everything,

They often place all the blame and responsibility on someone else to maintain their own façade of perfection.


This is mainly a PVP game… Or lets say its a pvp game so all the pvp crying stuff is already stupid to talk about… The pve in this game is just a by produkt its secondary… So PvP is always boring for me since i did it a lot in other games. But people trying to gank us is a good event keeps us Alerted whenever. Its good to be not afk with mining and other do arounds. I understand you want more pvp stuff but this is just what pvp is like its just that and can be boring… its better for you to play a pve game with loads of events they can create with that. PvP just got its limits and pve events can have more. The Pve in this game is just lucky for me and others to have, Or else this would be a pure pvp game but without the pve this game would already have died…

Foxs need the chickens to feed on.

You’d need a lot more if you bumped into my Retribution ( for example ) that can muster 60K EHP with assault damage control. Insane EHP for a frigate. It may only be for 10 seconds, but that’s long enough to survive most ganks.

Why would anyone want to gank your retribution?

I was reponding to a comment about ganking frigates/destroyers. Do keep up.

He was talking about with 2 accounts. Do keep up.

To which I responded that one could not gank my Retribution ( a frigate ) even with 2 accounts. Do keep up.

You do know that the vengeance is the tank , right?

Meh…about 1K extra EHP…and one less turret.

That sounds like 75% of all politicians.

That sounds like the Bank.

@Ikaru_Caderu There is no such thing as “fair”.

Glad your crystal ball is working.

People have been crying “this game is doomed” since 2006…

Keep telling yourself that. And I bet if you believe hard enough, it’ll come true.

Ganking is a core element in this game. It gives the game an underlying sense of foreboding, knowing that at anytime, someone, out there, has you in their cross hairs.

It seems you’re playing the wrong game. And it seems you’re very angry and bitter about it.

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Supplemental material

9 signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

I like point 1)

Instead of engaging in a conversation, they oftentimes ignore other peoples points because they view them as “less valuable” than their own and are too wrapped up in their own opinions, which they see as the “only opinion.”


The biggest sign is people who just have to keep telling you what the signs of narcissism are.