Ganking is the only consistent and "fair" content


Multiple people telling you the same thing….

Might be a correlation there to pay attention to.

Multiple narcissists all patting each other on the back.

It is the way.

I have a Ph.D in Gankotherapy

Do keep up.

Isn’t it a bit harsh to permaban miners just because they fail to adapt to a game. Sure, they probably steal ore from James 315 and mine without permit, which makes them criminals, but I rather we keep this in game and don’t just ban people for sucking at the game.


I just told my case manager, and the penitentiary psychologist about you.

And they both agree to incorporate you into my rehabilitation programme.

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Out doing some PI Sunday just like any other normal Capsuleer would be doing on a quiet sunday in New Eden when I found out first hand that ganking is NOT Fair

See the local and note I did get away which really was not very fair! to the ganker!

Eve is not a hand holding game , CCP give us all the tools to stop gankers but most people are too lazy to try . In the past we have tried ways to stop gankers and became quite proficient at it but in reality there is now not enough ganking content to give you constant gameplay.

As op said ganking is hard and so is anti-ganking, only effective ag I think is from within a group it’s self that is targeted by gankers , stop having corps that just mine or haul , scouts and protection is needed and stop thinking hi sec is safe .

As we made a name for our selves at hunting gankers so they started to avoid us , we even set up mining ops in their home sys , or ran missions when they went out hunting or baited abyssal trace , but as I said they don’t want to fail so started to avoid us .

As CCP changed ganking because so many cried about it so we lost some of our tactics to stop them . I think they should have developed ganking and anti-ganking into legitimate gameplay instead of nerfing it .

People have a right to play criminals just as some guy who wants to run 3 accounts ice mining . ( that’s a bad example as I have found ice miners are often the worst gankers :face_with_monocle: and I’m sure you know why)

Stop asking for nerfs and ask for better game play, your lazy to ask and CCP are lazy to comply.

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Frosty, you really need to stop talking to yourself.

Are you sure that this ganker was not a figment of your overactive imagination?

Been drinking too much pod goo?

That made me laugh.

Well police lady, I suggest you head on over to Star Citizen as Pyro, the pirate system will soon be available, the ganking will be glorious.

I am a 2014 backer. Trust me, we will have killmails on Logi ships long before Pyro is ever released in an acceptable state.

Quite proficient at trying, but not actually preventing ganking.

As Yoda said, “Do, or do not. There is no try.”

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I would like to know more.

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I assume the usual 1 billion ISKies standard fee applies. :smirk:

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Is that one of those Ph.Ds you can buy for $59 at Walmart ?

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…to refer to you as the New Eden Pleb Patrol.



Actually the other week the same pilot caught me at a customs office while inside PI view and the agreement afterwards was that I would return to test their skill while not being afk in PI view.

Though to confirm you are correct as Frostpacker holds many conversations with ourselves within New Eden via evemail.

Calm down, miner.

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Thank you ladies :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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