Alright in this guide I will explain How to make Synthetic Oil on a Gas Planet you need two sites of Ionic Solutions and Noble Gases.
They must be a in high level Yellow.Orange, or Dark Green.
Your Goal is to be mining 30.000 or more units of base materials to even each-other out.
Noble Gases → Oxygen
Along with
Ionic Solutions → Electrolytes
This uses two Factories for each resource to have a endless flow of Synthetic Oil, Which is constructed by one Advanced Industrial Plant.
Oxygen + Electrolytes —> Synthetic Oil
This can be used with the Storm + Ice Combintion to produce Ukomi Superconductors.
Synthetic Oil + Superconductor —> Ukomi Superconductors
which the advanced industrial plant for this can be put on any planet of the three as long as all the materials are there, only there it will produce Ukomi Superconductors.