Generally, why I'm not getting back into eve

Its cute that you think so :smiley:

Hundreds? I mean I wish I had the time and the finances to bankroll hundreds of alts, but sadly just the one account.

Isn’t it? I think it’s pretty funny.

I don’t know, why you have more? Thousands? All your alts make up half of the EVE population? :sweat_smile:

You caught me bruv. I fully make up half of Goonswarm :smiley:

Well now, that explains why half of them are arseholes. :rofl:

I’ve generally found the ones I’ve spoken to as cool.

Birds of a feather… y’know?

Or maybe yennoe, people who understand they playing a vidya game and not taking it that serious :smiley:

I’ve witnessed many a goon helping out many a newbro.

It isn’t my fault that words in an internet spaceship game hurt your feelings :smiley:

Hey! I was waiting for that one :laughing: That’s your signature move on these forums, trying to show someone up as some snowflake who can’t handle the truth.
Well… thanks for the laughs :rofl: But I think this circus has gone long enough now. This thread has been derailed to my satisfaction and thanks for participating in my fun.
Have a good day, pardner.

Uh huh. Well, I get why you’re trynna deflect but its obvious it has hurt your feelings. I get why you’re quitting the field tho. I’d be embarrassed as well if I’d shown how sensitive I was over pixels :smiley:

You obviously don’t understand the meaning of “deflect” or you’ve read me and couldn’t understand my meaning. It’s okay, I don’t expect a troll to understand the sense of a post.

:sweat_smile: “Quitting the field”. You think you’re some kind of knight? Haha! You’re not even a page.

You insist in trying to make believe that everyone of the good people you’ve had a beef with is some kind of sensitive snowflake. Give it up, your tricks are as old as the internet. You need updated trollish arguments, son.

I believe everyone deserves another chance - Even though Gix has spent more time blocked than I’ve spent reading his drivel, 2 months is how long I block.

That’s pretty harsh. Dracvlad only sentenced me to two weeks, and I troll much harder on my Destiny main than on my Gix alt.

Good chance if it has trolled me, it has been blocked for 2 months, at a time.

Hmmm weird, “Don’t worry be happy” just came on the radio as I was typing this response :rofl:

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You’re nicer than I am. But the only reason I don’t block him is that I enjoy watching him make a fool of himself.

You have no Gix alt, Destiny. Your trolling is refined and intelligent, his trolling is 3rd-grade level and so unimaginative that I know what he’s going to reply before he himself does.

Sometimes Dr. Jekyll retires and Mr. Hyde comes out.

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That’s nicely said but you’re not Gix, you’re too intelligent to debase yourself like that, you couldn’t even if you tried.

Back in the day when I did fw there was much more focus given to fleet combat because everyone was just baiting, so you take the bait and counter-escalate the engagement. Now FW seems totally dead. I remember not that long ago several old timey corps announced they were just going pirate because it represented more action and less contrived rules around being awoxed by purples.

I think the game has introduced way too much solo content and any new content that can be run by a drone boat should automatically be rejected and sent back to the design team. Drone boat capable content is disgusting and has been a huge driver of inflation despite the nerfs. It isn’t helped by npcs switching agro to gankers because EWAR triggers switching.

Uh huh. Now you’re trynna deflect the deflection :smiley:

Hm. You said you were leaving but you didn’t. Obviously not a man of your word.

You are still commenting after saying you’d leave. I’d def say you are sensitive and your feelings are hurt :smiley:

That you Drac?

Bro you don’t gotta front. I’m your only friend :smiley:

Oh? So you’re some kinda of creepy stalker. Got it :smiley:


Heh. That’s all you got really?

I love when they do it to themselves.

That’s the best part :smiley: