Getting into missions and increasing Faction Reputation

My main Goal early on was to increase my Faction reputation and start running L3 Security missions eventually going into L4 with a Navy Scorpion or a Rattlesnake. I have attempted a few times to get into the missions but with all the different corporations I can take them from it’s a bit overwhelming so I find my Self doing combat sites. Even though that holds my attention and I am making Isk I am unable to find a Guide on YT or anywhere that explains the rewards and best corps to go for to increase my reputation with Caldari. Now after that long winded nothingness my question is, Where does one get started on increasing the Faction reputation not just the corp rep?

Edit- Do any corps specialize in Mission running? If so am I just looking them up wrong in the corp search window?

You receive a storyline mission that will raise your standing with that faction after completing 16 missions of the same level for the same faction. The only way to gain faction standing is by doing storyline missions, doing the SOE Arc, or turning in tags to Data Centers and COSMOS agents.


The best corp to run missions for Caldari rep is obviously Caldari Navy. Just do 16 missions of the same level, doesn’t matter what type of mission, and you will get a storyline mission that will raise your Caldari faction standing. Do note, however, that it will also negatively impact all opposing faction standings. You will lose standing with Gallente, Minmatar, and several other factions by doing so.

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Theres also the epic arc for the actual empire as well.

Hello @Orin_Ascendant . I am with the United Standings Improvement Agency (USIA). if you want to fly and be on good terms with 2 of the four empires, then i would do as quake mentioned and do storyline missions. Completing the SoE epic arc, and choosing the Caldari mission, upon completion of the arc, will give faction standings. The epic arc for Caldari itself gives faction standing. Career agents if uou complete those do to as well (15 agents total).


The L4 Epic Arcs for factions require >5 faction standing, in this case for Caldari.

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Not totally true. If you have the corporation Expert Distributions at 5.00, you’ll have access to the epic arc for Caldari.

Each of the 4 empires requires either faction OR a certain corporation to access their epic arcs.

Just like for angel or gurista arcs, there are multiple ways to access their arcs

@Orin_Ascendant So many corps say they do this or that to lure people into their corps. While USIA has a corp, its just there for transactional purposes or for those who just want to join. We provide standings for corp or faction for just about any corporation and any faction that has an epic arc. Feel free to join our discord if you want to run missions and make great isk doing it

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You are correct, higher than 5 standing with the agent or the agents corporation is sufficient.

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I would say my corp does mission but not solely that’s, plus I’m not in that region s I reside in Khanid space. Also I use missions to supplement industry as well with salvaging and reprocessing of loot so not exclusively faction grinding either


Just a fyi if you didnt know, 6.5 effective standing with the corp that owns the station, lowers your reprocessing fee to 0

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Mission lp/rewards are split into 3 types per race with 3 slightly different stores, the side that shares a lp store with lvl 5missions is worth half as much as the other 2, I would suggest going for one of the other 2 you can tell easily by the smart bomb blue prints in the lp store avoid those.


I think the big winners for Caldari navy would be ballistic control systems and invul fields for module. If you manufacture hook bills selling those in faction warfare space is generally a good way to make a mint i sell sell imperial navy crystals in a few 24th imperial crusade stations so it can be lucrative in comparison to trade hubs and not as hostile of a market. Please ignore all the gun shots around you. Also I run an impel as so take what I say with a grain of salt

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I’ll respond to the edit first. The only reason to join a corp in highsec is for tax reasons. I’ve found many of them to be quite unhelpful and toxic, full of entitled carebears who resent the tiny amount of risk smart players have to contend with in EvE. You’ll enjoy EvE more if you don’t let them pollute your mindset with their cancer, so stay far away from them.

Now onto how to mission.

Step 0: Train Social to 5, then Security Connections and Connections to at least 4. This will greatly accelerate your journey to Level 4 missions. Social and Security Connections ups the standing reward while Connections up the base standings that the rewards add to.

Step 1: Pick a faction, which you did in Caldari.

Step 2: Use the Agent Locator to find a cluster of the highest level agents you can access for your faction’s Navy, that’d be Caldari Navy for you. The navies seem to have the best LP stores outside the FW corporation.

Step 3: Grind. Accept every mission from every agent you have access to in the system containing the agent cluster. Level 1 through Level 3, take them all unless your ship cannot enter the mission. A couple lvl1 missions take just as long as a level 2 and give almost as much standing reward with Social 5.

Step 4: I need to emphasize this, so forgive the all caps. DO THE DAMN STORYLINE MISSIONS!!! Each one gives you a significant standing boost with the core faction, and they come every 16 missions of the same level.

That’s all you really need to be in lvl4s within a few days. Now for a couple tricks I didn’t include.

If you have skills for Minmatar and T2 medium projectiles, the Cynabal will shred up to lvl3s. It’s arguably the best ship for grinding lower level Caldari and Minmatar because the warp speed bonus makes the travel time that much shorter, and that adds up after half a dozen missions. Combined with the instant damage application compared to missiles, and it’s good for blitzing.

Another reason for finding the agent clusters when grinding is so you can keep going even after declining a mission. I’ve found, however, that if you’re blitzing missions like I described above, the standing hit from declining a mission within the timer isn’t noticeable, provided you’re not declining more than 1 per cycle.