Sometimes when flying through certain systems I can see someones capsule on D-Scan even though I am the only person in local. Is that a bug?
It happens when they are permabanned while undocked.
There’s a ton of ghosts in D-Scan, tons of entities that are nowhere to be found in the Overview even under the all tab so either the all tab doesn’t show all or those entities are bs… or both.
I’ve stopped wondering what the hell and where the hell they are when I figured I can’t jump to them anyway.
I have a ton of stuff like that to ask about but I don’t know how to formulate my questions since I don’t know what to ask about.
You can combat scan them out and shoot them if you want. As a public service to others, like with MTU’s, to clear up their d-scan for more important things ;^)
Abandoned MTU’s should be scanned down, and destroyed. They are a menace to the space lanes, causing all sorts of light speed related accidents. And an MTU should be considered abandoned if the owner is more than 800 meters away from it. So don’t hesitate to blap them out of existence even if the owner is 50 some km away.
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