Giving Away 22bil

Instructions: Post a photo of a vegetarian meal with a piece of paper saying your in-game name and today’s date (mm/dd/yyyy), and I will send you 25mil.

Prize Pool: 22,000,000,000 isk


Rules: Maximum 100 entries per alt. No alts created after today. Photos containing meat get you disqualified.

I will record payouts on this spreadsheet. In addition to the 22bil prize pool, at the end of the year I will giveaway all my isk to the ten most active participants from each month! So if I have 49bil at the end of the year, and you were the only entrant in June, then you will get an additional 7bil.




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Moved this into Events - EVE Online Forums

I present to this event the following:

Braised short rib tacos, with corn tortillas cooked in a 50/50 mix of butter and wagyu beef tallow, and a solid mix of mexican queso, colby jack, and a touch of aged New York sharp white cheddar.

Honestly, each of these tacos individually should count as a separate entry. They are that good!


As shown, your meal is neither very vegetarian nor vegan with such enormous amounts of plastics.


Ill be eating a vegan steak later. No pics though. The cow is vegan therefore the steak is vegan


Did you know that there is a vegan beer that could go well with your tofu steak?

Looks yum, you got my vote!

There will be a vote for the winner ? @Gloriondel



My birthday cakes leftovers, maybe I can gett a little extra for my birthday :wink:


Good Morning Austria


Only veg stuff I have in frig


You gave more than me as not every pilot is vegan.

Some if them are meat eaters.

/btw I want to know who received their 25 million Isk

I just checked never got a single Isk and demand my 25 million isk that is owed

@Gloriondel don’t be cheating frosty out of his isk he will be most upset and @Uriel_the_Flame may comment that any other sk owe g opens a new Arc that lasts for many years n New Eden


Come on guys, don’t let all my isk go to Initiative’s SRP fund! CCP is gonna get sus if there are only four winners.

They already know this is RMT. :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiling_imp: :innocent: :psyccp:

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Compassion isn’t a currency.

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Re-Opened per OP request.

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We’ve had five entrants, with no entries for the months of August, September, November and December. I’ll do a second contest next year to distribute the unclaimed prize pool.