GM Week 2021 Cosplay Contest - Community Vote

It’s a shame to lose Sheltark. It was a joy flying with him, and the streams were definitely entertaining.

I don’t blame him for being upset. Sheltark got a ton of people involved with the game; it’s understandable he’s pissed they completely steamrolled over him.

The lack of response.from CCP is a bit disheartening. The poll on this post shows him winning by a large margin and even confirmed the winner by a CCP employee, but their linked post is completely different

o7 brav

Shine Bright like a Pirate!
The SS
The Double S
The One Man Gang Bang…


Where is Sheltark’s prizes? He won by a massive amount.

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You only need to realize the truth. There is no Sheltark.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Why hold a community vote if you are going to disregard the winner if it’s not the person you expected to win?

Wow this is a new low, even for you, CCP.

bump where is sheltarks prizes

Incredibly curious.

I believe the reason is above:

Now the story goes: he would have gotten his prize, had he furnished his data.

Curious, indeed. The cover-up? Or the false-flag? We may never know.

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