GM Week – Item Description Contest!

Missile Guidance Enhancers

Majorana Guidance Enhancers

These pristine module are rarely found throughout Abyssal Deadspace and contain bioadaptive mutaplasmids, abyssal filaments, various materials, and navigational telemetry datavaults. CONCORD analysts believe their main purpose is to serve the complex navigation of the fearfull Triglavian majorana missile travelling against their target.

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(Could also be implemented for every ECM module)
Gravimetric ECM II:

Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems such as those found on Caldari, Guristas and Mordu’s Legion ships.

Scientists recently discovered a strange albeit useless phenomenon that after successful prolonged use of this module, the modules taste changes from metallic to salty.

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Warp Core Stabilizer I

Original: When installed this unit attempts to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of the ship’s warp core.

Update: Despite recent scientific studies out of several Empire-based Think Tanks, primarily in Yulai, that using this module may significantly impact Male Sexual Performance - this module continues to be used to compensate for fluctuations and disruptions of a ship’s warp core.

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Capital Energy Nosferatu

Sucks the energy right out of you like an overbearing ex…



“In a real fight, it’s either damage or distance that counts” … Quote test pilot of the first phase.

In this design, much has been combined. Low damage profile during defensive maneuvers. Small signature, optimal acceleration values. Extreme shield resilience, due to remodulation matrix. The hull material used is heavier than that of the standard ship classes, but is more compact and requires less wall thickness. This results in a compact design, which is also structurally designed for optimum performance. Although the crew quarters are spartan, they comply with the Caldarian standard. Due to the honeycomb structure inside the ship, the compact design improves the structural integrity with less mass. The arrangement of the gun turrets is variable and, depending on the application, can be modulated in such a way as to increase the weapon range.

Navcom sensors, in combination with the right weapons, therefore allow a theoretical maximum combat range at 380km, with a punctual accuracy of 50 meters, at a deadly radius of 50 meters.

These values can vary depending on the use of the weapon platform.

"However, the compact design has a flaw. After 72 hours of combat, the deficits in energy production, which is dependent on external energy sources, became apparent. "Quote, 2nd test pilot of the first phase.

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Expanded description for the Gila:

Taking what he had learned from his days in the Caldari Navy, Korako ‘The Rabbit’ Kosakami, Gurista leader, decided that he would rub salt in the State’s wounds by souping up their designs with Gallente drone technology and making strikes against his former masters in ships whose layout was obviously stolen from them. Since its inception, capsuleers have taken a strong liking towards this hybrid technology as well and have used the Gila heavily for a wide variety of tasks including exploration, piracy, antipiracy, and as a mainline fleet doctrine. To these ends the Gila, bastard twin of the Moa, has served New Eden well.


Start all Marauders description with following:

One of the priciest coffins of high class and vogue chick money can get you in and out real quick

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Can we redesign the Customs Office round planets…

Lets get a competition going where pilots can submit new design ideas…

I would like to see a small space station where your ship can dock to pick up its cargo.

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Recently discovered Jovian technological breakthroughs will make this base element for all synthetic fullerene production. Also, among the discoveries within several carbon allotropes a wide array of thermal and electrical shielding can be utilized. While many others will also be useful as a variety of lubricants.

Carbon: King of Elements


Start all Marauders description with following:

One of the priciest coffins of high class and vogue chick money can get you in and out real quick

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Couldn’t read what you posted mate ^^"

I moved it, it wasnt a reply to you just a general post. GM Week – Item Description Contest!

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Why are ALL the command burst charges nanites? Let’s fix that and add fluff.

Armor Energizing Charge

This compact bundle of spectra activated nanites can be loaded into an Armor Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to provide increased armor resistances.

The enhanced efficiency of armor nanites after extended exposure to Wolf Rayet spectra in Anoikis came as a surprise to Amarrian scientists, but they quickly learned to apply the lesson to the Golden Fleet

Armor Reinforcement Charge

This compact bundle of spectra activated nanites can be loaded into an Armor Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to enhance armor durability.

The enhanced efficiency of armor nanites after extended exposure to Wolf Rayet spectra in Anoikis came as a surprise to Amarrian scientists, but they quickly learned to apply the lesson to the Golden Fleet

Rapid Repair Charge

This compact bundle of spectra activated nanites can be loaded into an Armor Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to improve local and remote armor repairer modules.

The enhanced efficiency of armor nanites after extended exposure to Wolf Rayet spectra in Anoikis came as a surprise to Amarrian scientists, but they quickly learned to apply the lesson to the Golden Fleet

Electronic Hardening Charge

This compact data storage device can be loaded into an Information Command Burst module and the encryption keys inside dispersed across allied ships, allowing central coordination to harden their sensor and tracking systems against enemy disruption.

The reverse engineering of of new encryption methods from Sleeper Caches by Federation scientists has revolutionized the command and control of Federation naval operations, as well as the holoreel piracy scene

Electronic Superiority Charge

This compact data storage device can be loaded into an Information Command Burst module and the encryption keys inside dispersed across allied ships, allowing central coordination to enhance the range and strength of their sensor dampener, weapon disruptor, target painter, and targeted ECM modules.

The reverse engineering of of new encryption methods from Sleeper Caches by Federation scientists has revolutionized the command and control of Federation naval operations, as well as the holoreel piracy scene

Sensor Optimization Charge

This compact data storage device can be loaded into an Information Command Burst module and the encryption keys inside dispersed across allied ships, allowing central coordination to improve the scan resolution and maximum target lock range of their sensors.

The reverse engineering of of new encryption methods from Sleeper Caches by Federation scientists has revolutionized the command and control of Federation naval operations, as well as the holoreel piracy scene

Active Shielding Charge

This compact bundle of entangled force field photons can be loaded into a Shield Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to improve local and remote shield booster modules.

The isolation of natural EFF photons from pulsars found in Anoikis by Ishukone scientists upended over a century of assumptions in force field theory. Ishukone was quick to distribute their discovery across the State weapons manufacturers - for a handsome price, of course

Shield Extension Charge

This compact bundle of entangled force field photons can be loaded into a Shield Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to enhance defensive shield strength.

The isolation of natural EFF photons from pulsars found in Anoikis by Ishukone scientists upended over a century of assumptions in force field theory. Ishukone was quick to distribute their discovery across the State weapons manufacturers - for a handsome price, of course

Shield Harmonizing Charge

This compact bundle of entangled force field photons can be loaded into a Shield Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to provide increased shield resistances.

The isolation of natural EFF photons from pulsars found in Anoikis by Ishukone scientists upended over a century of assumptions in force field theory. Ishukone was quick to distribute their discovery across the State weapons manufacturers - for a handsome price, of course

Evasive Maneuvers Charge

This compact dewar of anti-Higgs particles can be loaded into a Skirmish Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to reduce their effective signature radius and improve their agility, making them harder for enemy weapons to hit.

Republic explorations inside the Ergosphere of Ainoikan black holes discovered a long-theorized counterpart to the Higgs field currently used to modulate ship mass. This anti-Higgs particle was quickly applied to Republic slaverunning efforts.

Interdiction Maneuvers Charge

This compact dewar of anti-Higgs particles can be loaded into a Skirmish Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to improve the maximum range of their stasis webifier, warp scrambler and warp disruptor modules.

Republic explorations inside the Ergosphere of Ainoikan black holes discovered a long-theorized counterpart to the Higgs field currently used to modulate ship mass. This anti-Higgs particle was quickly applied to Republic slaverunning efforts.

Rapid Deployment Charge

This compact dewar of anti-Higgs particles can be loaded into a Skirmish Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to enhance the thrust potential of their afterburner and microwarpdrive modules.

Republic explorations inside the Ergosphere of Ainoikan black holes discovered a long-theorized counterpart to the Higgs field currently used to modulate ship mass. This anti-Higgs particle was quickly applied to Republic slaverunning efforts.

Mining Equipment Preservation Charge

This compact entropic radiation capacitor can be loaded into a Mining Foreman Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to increase the lifespan of their advanced mining crystals.

Though relatively ignored at the time, due to worry over the application of Rogue Drone technology to the ‘Excavator’ Mining Drone, ORE’s entry into the Command Burst Charge market in YC116 has come under close scrutiny once similarities were noticed with the entropic effects in systems besieged by Triglavian forces in YC119. ORE thus far has provided no comment.

Mining Laser Field Enhancement Charge

This compact entropic radiation capacitor can be loaded into a Mining Foreman Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to improve the range of their mining laser, ice harvester and survey scanner modules.

Though relatively ignored at the time, due to worry over the application of Rogue Drone technology to the ‘Excavator’ Mining Drone, ORE’s entry into the Command Burst Charge market in YC116 has come under close scrutiny once similarities were noticed with the entropic effects in systems besieged by Triglavian forces in YC119. ORE thus far has provided no comment.

Mining Laser Optimization Charge

This compact entropic radiation capacitor can be loaded into a Mining Foreman Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to greatly enhance the speed of their mining modules, allowing increased yield over time. This effect also reduces the capacitor requirements of the mining laser to compensate for the faster cycle times.

Though relatively ignored at the time, due to worry over the application of Rogue Drone technology to the ‘Excavator’ Mining Drone, ORE’s entry into the Command Burst Charge market in YC116 has come under close scrutiny once similarities were noticed with the entropic effects in systems besieged by Triglavian forces in YC119. ORE thus far has provided no comment.


Siege Module II

Ever heard of the substance Strontium Clathrate? Most planetary governments consider it a performance enhancing substance quite similar to steroids affect sports athletes, and look at it as an illegal substance. Good thing a spaceship does not concern itself with what a planetary governnment thinks, and lets you use it to fuel modules on your ship.

This module greatly increases your ships offensive and defensive capabilities at the cost of your propulsion. Note: increase in defensive capabilities only applies to Capital sized Shield Boosters and Armor Repairers. Only one Siege Module can be fitted to a dreadnought class ship.

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An addition to an existing one over a full on change:

ECM Burst II

Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range.

Given the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, this module requires large amounts of capacitor energy to operate.

Note: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time.

“Six years of research and development were nearly scrapped when it was found that the latest in area-of-effect electronic warfare bore an uncanny resemblance to standard issue remote shield emitters. How an entire shipment of them ended up in a Caldari Navy logistics shipyard is still under investigation” - Report on the battle of Inari, YC 02

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Prostitute or Exotic Dancer

Because somebody has to entertain the married men of New Eden.

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Drone Damage Amplifier

After years of research and tinkering a CreoDron Engineer was able to successfully online the prototype “Extrinsic Damage Amplifier”. The prototype was developed by reverse engineering recovered parts from rogue drones and redesigning them without all the Sentient technology.
Marketing changed the name of the mass-produced blueprints just before they were to become publically available, to the now named “Drone Damage Amplifier”

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Im not creative enough but I’m sure some of you are. Need more posts about warp core stabs…


Crystalline Isogen-10

“I just got the shipment of our samples today and I am astonished. The sheer exotic design these Crystals express is beyond beautiful. This form of Isogen appears delicate, yet abnormally durable considering it is used in the construction of these mysterious precursor vessels. I am trying to manipulate the crystals capabilities, however this seems too risky to do without executive permission. The Gravitational Fields present aren’t relative to the ones found in abyssal space and the isotope would be prone to breaking down causing a life threatening surge of energy if we proceed. In our best interest I strongly urge these to be brought down to Assembly immediately so we may figure out the true meaning beyond the Abyssal industrial capabilities.”

Tobias Golsur, CEO Directive Intelligence Agency, CONCORD.

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