Why are ALL the command burst charges nanites? Let’s fix that and add fluff.
Armor Energizing Charge
This compact bundle of spectra activated nanites can be loaded into an Armor Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to provide increased armor resistances.
The enhanced efficiency of armor nanites after extended exposure to Wolf Rayet spectra in Anoikis came as a surprise to Amarrian scientists, but they quickly learned to apply the lesson to the Golden Fleet
Armor Reinforcement Charge
This compact bundle of spectra activated nanites can be loaded into an Armor Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to enhance armor durability.
The enhanced efficiency of armor nanites after extended exposure to Wolf Rayet spectra in Anoikis came as a surprise to Amarrian scientists, but they quickly learned to apply the lesson to the Golden Fleet
Rapid Repair Charge
This compact bundle of spectra activated nanites can be loaded into an Armor Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to improve local and remote armor repairer modules.
The enhanced efficiency of armor nanites after extended exposure to Wolf Rayet spectra in Anoikis came as a surprise to Amarrian scientists, but they quickly learned to apply the lesson to the Golden Fleet
Electronic Hardening Charge
This compact data storage device can be loaded into an Information Command Burst module and the encryption keys inside dispersed across allied ships, allowing central coordination to harden their sensor and tracking systems against enemy disruption.
The reverse engineering of of new encryption methods from Sleeper Caches by Federation scientists has revolutionized the command and control of Federation naval operations, as well as the holoreel piracy scene
Electronic Superiority Charge
This compact data storage device can be loaded into an Information Command Burst module and the encryption keys inside dispersed across allied ships, allowing central coordination to enhance the range and strength of their sensor dampener, weapon disruptor, target painter, and targeted ECM modules.
The reverse engineering of of new encryption methods from Sleeper Caches by Federation scientists has revolutionized the command and control of Federation naval operations, as well as the holoreel piracy scene
Sensor Optimization Charge
This compact data storage device can be loaded into an Information Command Burst module and the encryption keys inside dispersed across allied ships, allowing central coordination to improve the scan resolution and maximum target lock range of their sensors.
The reverse engineering of of new encryption methods from Sleeper Caches by Federation scientists has revolutionized the command and control of Federation naval operations, as well as the holoreel piracy scene
Active Shielding Charge
This compact bundle of entangled force field photons can be loaded into a Shield Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to improve local and remote shield booster modules.
The isolation of natural EFF photons from pulsars found in Anoikis by Ishukone scientists upended over a century of assumptions in force field theory. Ishukone was quick to distribute their discovery across the State weapons manufacturers - for a handsome price, of course
Shield Extension Charge
This compact bundle of entangled force field photons can be loaded into a Shield Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to enhance defensive shield strength.
The isolation of natural EFF photons from pulsars found in Anoikis by Ishukone scientists upended over a century of assumptions in force field theory. Ishukone was quick to distribute their discovery across the State weapons manufacturers - for a handsome price, of course
Shield Harmonizing Charge
This compact bundle of entangled force field photons can be loaded into a Shield Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to provide increased shield resistances.
The isolation of natural EFF photons from pulsars found in Anoikis by Ishukone scientists upended over a century of assumptions in force field theory. Ishukone was quick to distribute their discovery across the State weapons manufacturers - for a handsome price, of course
Evasive Maneuvers Charge
This compact dewar of anti-Higgs particles can be loaded into a Skirmish Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to reduce their effective signature radius and improve their agility, making them harder for enemy weapons to hit.
Republic explorations inside the Ergosphere of Ainoikan black holes discovered a long-theorized counterpart to the Higgs field currently used to modulate ship mass. This anti-Higgs particle was quickly applied to Republic slaverunning efforts.
Interdiction Maneuvers Charge
This compact dewar of anti-Higgs particles can be loaded into a Skirmish Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to improve the maximum range of their stasis webifier, warp scrambler and warp disruptor modules.
Republic explorations inside the Ergosphere of Ainoikan black holes discovered a long-theorized counterpart to the Higgs field currently used to modulate ship mass. This anti-Higgs particle was quickly applied to Republic slaverunning efforts.
Rapid Deployment Charge
This compact dewar of anti-Higgs particles can be loaded into a Skirmish Command Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to enhance the thrust potential of their afterburner and microwarpdrive modules.
Republic explorations inside the Ergosphere of Ainoikan black holes discovered a long-theorized counterpart to the Higgs field currently used to modulate ship mass. This anti-Higgs particle was quickly applied to Republic slaverunning efforts.
Mining Equipment Preservation Charge
This compact entropic radiation capacitor can be loaded into a Mining Foreman Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to increase the lifespan of their advanced mining crystals.
Though relatively ignored at the time, due to worry over the application of Rogue Drone technology to the ‘Excavator’ Mining Drone, ORE’s entry into the Command Burst Charge market in YC116 has come under close scrutiny once similarities were noticed with the entropic effects in systems besieged by Triglavian forces in YC119. ORE thus far has provided no comment.
Mining Laser Field Enhancement Charge
This compact entropic radiation capacitor can be loaded into a Mining Foreman Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to improve the range of their mining laser, ice harvester and survey scanner modules.
Though relatively ignored at the time, due to worry over the application of Rogue Drone technology to the ‘Excavator’ Mining Drone, ORE’s entry into the Command Burst Charge market in YC116 has come under close scrutiny once similarities were noticed with the entropic effects in systems besieged by Triglavian forces in YC119. ORE thus far has provided no comment.
Mining Laser Optimization Charge
This compact entropic radiation capacitor can be loaded into a Mining Foreman Burst module and dispersed across allied ships to greatly enhance the speed of their mining modules, allowing increased yield over time. This effect also reduces the capacitor requirements of the mining laser to compensate for the faster cycle times.
Though relatively ignored at the time, due to worry over the application of Rogue Drone technology to the ‘Excavator’ Mining Drone, ORE’s entry into the Command Burst Charge market in YC116 has come under close scrutiny once similarities were noticed with the entropic effects in systems besieged by Triglavian forces in YC119. ORE thus far has provided no comment.