Gnosis Fitting

Can anyone tell me if there is something wrong with this fitting of a Gnosis?
I used an A.I to help choose some of the modules as I don’t yet know all of what is available and I had a lot of trouble keeping the Power Grid and CPU systems within range.

Thank you.

I don’t know why you would expect AI to have good answers, I recommend looking through zkillboard losses for inspiration instead.

A couple of points:

  • hull repairers are very rarely used. They’re bad to keep your ship alive (compared to shield and armor repairers) and only used in very niche cases
  • armor modules like the multispectrum energized membrane aren’t really useful when the bulk of your defences is shields

Using most CPU and PG and not going over it is often the challenge when you fit ships. If you do it more often you’ll get to know tricks to make this easier, like ‘compact’ meta module versions that are easier to fit or modules and rigs that give extra PG and CPU.

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zKillboard. Ok. Will look for it. But shouldn’t I look through wins instead of losses? Why would I want to copy fits from ships that have been beaten?

Because as I said, I don’t know all of what is available yet and the A.I did.

PS: I cannot find anything under “Shield repairer” or “Shield repair”

Good question, but in EVE many ships die including good fits. No ship is safe so even someone who has a very strong fit can get baited and beaten in a fight, whether it’s because they got outnumbered or because someone else’s fit countered theirs.

You will find bad fits on zkillboard but good fits as well. Usually when I want to make a new fit for a new ship I open a dozen of losses and see if there are any fits that look good or interesting.

If you really want to see the fits of wins instead of losses you could search zkillboard for fights where for example the Gnosis won, then open that player’s page of losses and find a situation where that player lost a Gnosis. People often don’t vary their fits a lot and it could even be the exact same fit that they won fights with.

The ingame fitting window will let you browse through all the available modules and rigs.

Modules that repair shield are called ‘shield booster’, my bad.

Oh ok, I just found how to access that. Thank you.

Thank you, I will find those.

I already removed the hull repairer and put a armor repairer in low slot.
I will see what I can fit in place of the energized membrane.

I appreciate your help immensely.

Blasters have notoriously low range, maybe a Tracking Enhancer in the now empty low slot can help. :wink:

Or a Tracking Computer for the mid slot, you can even script that one for more tracking or more range.

Mixing shield and armor tank is generally inefficient, so I wouldn’t fit an armor repairer on the ship if you’re already shield tanking it.

I will see about putting a tracking enhancer once I take the ship out against npc and see how it fares against different sized ships.
Right now I like the double Inertials and double Field Stabilizers with Damage Control and the Armor Repairer.
I may find that I need it but then again I may not.

Thank you, Gerard.

in which cases can it become ‘efficient’? If I may ask.

Very few cases. Fitting full tank with all your mid slots for shield or all your low slots for armor is often a big sacrifice already as you cannot use those mod slots for other purposes. Fitting both your low and mid slots makes your ship useless for most other purposes as you won’t deal damage well due to lack of low slots and won’t have the mid slots for ewar effects either.

The only times you may want to mix tank is if you want to double down on having as much health as possible, for example if you’re baiting a fight or are flying a Titan in a mixed fleet with both armor and shield repairs. But even for that last case I cannot quickly find an example fit on zkillboard.

It’s rare.

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First of all: You lack 8 skills just to undock.

  • Also, there’s no ewar in your mid slots. It will be very hard to kill fast frigs and drones.
  • BTW, Drones? Don’t you load any?
  • The auto targetting system is not really helping.
  • Are you sure you’re going for enemies using explosive ammo? The Gnosis is a perfectly balanced ship regarding shield and tank.
  • The hybrid rig is very consuming, think about some shield rigs instead.

So much for the first glance.

Zkill: Gnosis | Losses | Ship | zKillboard
This looks like an affordable ratting Gnosis with hybrid weapons: Gnosis | Vaughn Nova | Killmail | zKillboard

my main advice would be to join eve-uni or join a regular corp and get advices and teaching sessions, as there are many things that you have to learn. But you seem to have the desire to learn and understand game mechanics, which is a good first step
Forget AI

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I appreciate the advice but I will leave the corporations alone for now, at least until I feel I cannot do without one. I have always been a self-learner and it’s worked well for me.

I do, and there is a litteral ton of info online, including videos and articles. I should be able to make do until I’m ready to learn hands on.

No sir. A.I is our friend. In our future I see vehicules, drones, robot appliances, hospitals and entire homes operated by onlined A.I who will watch for our protection and health. They will help us accomplish great things, even get humanity off planet and to the stars.
Who knows, mankind may even find the EVE Gate one day.

Learning by doing is a good way. I always recommend google, just type in “EVE” and your problem and check the offered solutions. Youtube videos are also very helpful, e.g. to get a notion how other players set up their GUI and overview or kind of hidden features like sorting and grouping items in cargo.