I’m new capsuleer. Someone suggested this forum for questions and answers because the Rookie chat goes too fast for me to follow, read and answer, read and ask questions. Too much spam and discussions that don’t have to do with Rookie Help
I was recommended a Gnosis in corporation chat as a be-all do-all ship and I would like to get suggestions on fittings.
I will mainly use it as a mission boat and maybe to mine if I encounter interesting asteroids in my travels and explore too.
Can someone help me to fit it properly and maybe give me pointers on where to go to learn that.
I can buy all the modules needed, level 1 or 2 modules it’s ok for me I can buy and trsin into.
Also, I will have lots more questions. Is it okay to ask them in this thread or do I have to open a thread for each question? Who can answer that?
You can just use this post to ask your questions, though EvE does have an official Discord which has a new player help section that could be suitable for questions on the fly.
Welcome to the game, as a 30 day new capsuleer the game will automatically toss you into the infamous Rookie Chat with 1000+ voices shouting at each other. Hit the + icon and go to Help Chat and select English chat or your native language.
When I help players online especially in Rookie Chat, I invite them to a private one on one session so we are not disturbed and hunt and peck at the keys. Otherwise I recommend Youtube as one of the best Q&A places for EVE online.
There is no “be-all do-all” ships. The all specialize in certain areas and the ship is only a part of the sum total. Fitting a ship can make the ship work well or be a total mess. For example; I could place 8 mining lasers on a battleship and mine ore 2 times faster than a venture, but the venture is built to mine ore. If you are familiar to the rules of D&D, there are some ships like the Basilisk which is your basic monk/healer class for ships. This is when you fleet up ( join a party ) and want to hang back and heal ( repair ) your team. Saying the Gnosis is the Jack of all trades, is more like saying it is generic. Never had a great tasting generic beer.
The Gnosis is one of the better battle cruisers but it all depends on how it is fitted and what skills the pilot has to wield it. Do your research and remember to train your pilot.
The Gnosis is a decent pve/pvp combat ship.
It’s main advantage for newer/low sp pilots is its minimal skill point requirement and generally low cost.
That said, it’s certainly not the best battlecruiser platform at all tasks. One of the beauties of EVE is that if you set out to fit a ship to excel at ONE specific, defined task, you can make it do that one specific thing VERY well (with apologies to Lord Maldoror/Alazeis). The Gnosis can be fit in many different ways and can be very good in those specific circumstances. However, there are often other hulls that will do any of those roles better, if that makes any sense.
Personally, i wouldn’t suggest using one for mining operations. The mighty Venture is better in pretty much every metric at that task.
It’s a good ship and highly recommended for new players as a cheap and cheerful multi role platform that can get the job done, provided you know what job you want it to do and fit it accordingly.
Hmm, you need at least weapon skills for battlecruisers, and some supportive skills for general flight mechanics, or flying a Gnosis won’t be fun. Big guns don’t necessarily mean big hits.
Possible, but not recommended at all. Proper ship for single tasks, the Venture is a great ship for a start and a much better miner than any Gnosis, and so are Heron/Magnate/Probe/Imicus regarding exploration.
It’s right, the Gnosis needs less skills than any other Battlecruiser and is very cheap to repair. But you won’t get much insurance either.
You could also google “Eve Online basic starter fitting guide”, you will find videos and references that may help. It’s a process that takes a while to learn.
In-game, if you check your “Community fittings” list in the Saved fittings browser, you may find some fits for ships to give you ideas. You can also ask in Help chat for people to post links to the various “Beginner Fits” and “Fits for Level X missions” type help channels, which list more fits.
Combine that with the suggestions already posted above and use whichever method(s) work best for you to get started.
EVE tends to be more of a “learn a bit more each day” process, rather than a “learn everything about this topic all in one go”.