Gnosis, Jack of all trades or waste of ISK

It is because the corps I had been was not so great. Some corp members remained online when I first arrived and they forgot that is there is a game named ‘EVE’ or not and others, they send a hi and that’s the last message of the corp.

So from this discussion, I think that it is new player friendly and good for alphas and other weak player but not so great in tense situations. I also see myself as some players using Gnosis. I know its recommendations is mixed but I think that it’s not a bad deal. Low price, high cargo capacity and more fittings at least than a Heron. After all, I can insure it. But I want some good exploration fittings. Do anyone know some?

oh … ok … that sounds really bad … i feel sorry


No problem but do you know some fittings for Gnosis?

^ I actually just agree with this guy. Your philosophy would seek to boil the world and it’s interactions down to rote comparisons of attributes. Maybe you are right, too. Maybe I am a fool for believing otherwise. But why play the game at all if you believe you can determine the outcome by just looking at a ship’s stats and bonuses?

Look at the price of a Heron and compare it to the price of a Gnosis. Low price?

My point is that certain ships excel at certain tasks. A skilled pilot is a multiplier. A skilled pilot in a cepter will always be a better scout/tackle than a skilled pilot in an Avatar.

Or, imagine you’re doing exploration. You’re doing data sites in a wormhole, in your drake. You’re a pro at it to be sure. But are you really going to do very well, when compared to even a mediocre pilot in a covert frigate?

Part of your mastery as a pilot comes from using the right tools for the job.

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well … there is no fitting for the gnosis … it allways matters on what you want to do … there are 100s of fits

you can contact me ingame anytime


WTH where you mining? Omber? Zeolites? Bitumens? A venture of veldspar is about 1M isk… and you should be able to get about 3 of them in one hour. I suggest you do security missions… with l2 you should be able to pull off 10M/hr.

I’ve never flown an avatar, but I’ve played scout in numerous fleets. I rarely used an interceptor. Also, why did you separate scout and tackle with a slash instead of an “and”? It’s almost as if you think they’re the same thing. My favorite scout ship is an Arbitrator, btw.

And yet, you also said this:

Doesn’t it depend on which of you used the better tool for the job?

I know man I had been using that but sometimes things go out of control and sleepers appear and they create a problem. So, I want a ship that is good for Exploration plus it can handle 3 or 4 sleepers solo. I think Gnosis is not so but and it has only -5 virus strength. My total concurrence is 80 and virus strength is 20. I think it should work out.

I know man I had been using that but sometimes things go out of control and sleepers appear and they create a problem.

Don’t do sites with sleepers. Problem solved.
List of site types with no PvE dangers at all: Safety : Can i warp to this site ? | EvE-Scout Forums

My total concurrence is 80 and virus strength is 20. I think it should work out.

That’s very low, you’ll fail half of “medium difficulty” cans with it and most of “hard” cans. On a “hard” can, literally just one firewall node is enough to kill you. The important benefit of 25 strength is that (on “medium” cans) you can destroy antivirus nodes in 2 clicks (instead of 3), which halves your incoming damage and greatly raises change of success.

(but when you unlock relic analyzer II, its native 30 strength is enough to use it with any ship with consistently high chances of success)

I know. What you are saying to an extent is true but that is earlier but now I am pretty experienced (mostly lucky). I know the disadvantage but if you consider that if I get 10 data containers, I may destroy only 3 or 4 of them and the rest gives me a loot of 20 million or 15 million and last time I have hacked 5 containers out of 6 and generated a loot of 10 million. C1 Wormholes are safe and they are not mostly found. I get mostly C2 Wormholes and the sites contain sleepers and I want to execute them without wasting time on finding C1 wormholes and after all this topic is about can Gnosis tackle the sleepers without getting destroyed and can generate maximum DPS or not.

Scouts aren’t always tackle (anyone can jump the gate early to check for a camp or go be eyes in a different system), tackle isn’t always scouting (maybe they’re holding back a gate to waterboard a hostile gang), and sometimes your tackle is your scout. They aren’t the same thing, but more often than not your tackle should be ahead of the gang (inherently scouting) looking for stuff for the gang to come kill.

The roles are different, but they have a great deal of overlap if they’re done correctly.

C2 sites make a lot more then 1 mil/hr. The isk can be up to 100mil/hr

You’ll get kicked out of corps for losing ships on the killboard like that. It’s not about you making $$ to cover your vexor, is about your corp cares about that killboard entry.

find better corporations and don’t stick to losers. not everyone’s like that. if everyone you find is like that, try finding different people instead based on different criteria.

Personally, I wouldn’t leave the two most vital specializations besides fleet commander to a single noob in a poorly fitted/skilled Atron. Never. Must be why I’m not an EVE famous FC, though. I’d at least put the scrub in a . . . ::wait for it:: . . . Gnosis. In fact, with it’s above average scan resolution and probe strength, along with it’s competence in direct combat, I’d rate the Gnosis at only a single step down from the Tengu or other tech III. I just think choosing it with the misguided idea that it will save you from 20 blinged out Proteuses in a wormhole is a waste of ISK. And I wouldn’t blame the Gnosis for that.


I personally agree with your statements. From the discussion, I had decided to buy a Gnosis and I had bought and I earned 100 million ISK in 3 days. Seriously, 100 million is not a low income for an alpha and most of all it has the capacity to eliminate 2 sleepers together and I have tried it. I usually earn 20 million per hour but I have a problem with DPS. Although I can take out 2 sleepers together in relic sites, soon after that hordes of sleeper appear and I have to warp out. Can anyone suggest me a weapon which can offer high DPS against sleepers? I know what you have in your mind that unsecured and forgotten sites are not safe, sites with local names are safe. But most of the times, I get C2 wormholes which are mostly unsafe.

This isn’t really an issue with the gnosis anymore, though. A few events ago gnosis BPCs were dropping quite regularly, at a build cost of one tritanium (of you haven’t got that undock in a pod, and go get a free noob ship at a station you don’t have any ships at. Your noobship will have a unit of tritanium for you in the cargo). Pretty sure the supply will meet demand without prices skyrocketing for a few extra years now.