Golden ammo

Looks like the pay-to-win booster has been removed.

… this time.

Which is good news for now. I just hope they won’t ■■■■ up like this again. Because if the only thing stopping CCP from making some stupid decisions is player backlash rather than better internal decisions, it’s only a matter of time before we see another episode.


It may not be permanent, as I’m sure the itch will hit me in the future, but it’s going to be a (very) extended break. I hope to see a better game by time I check back on it, and not one ridden with more pay-to-win mechanics.

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It will be back.

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“however those who have already purchased the pack will not have the booster removed”

its not even leaving. gg

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And if you bought it, just for that booster, and have it removed, you think that would be fair?

Yes. Refund them.


This. All we learned to day was that gold ammo needs to be bought quickly.


It’s only a reprieve, an organized tactical retreat. The next assault will be swifter and merciless.


@Iceacid_Frostpacker All the more reasons why you should give it to me.

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Yes, it is tight. It is called nuance. My problem is with it being behind a wall that is only accessible with real money. If you don’t have the economic luxury of being able to afford it then you can’t be on a level playing field with everyone else. All of a sudden it is now a 2 tier system. I don’t really care how it comes in to the game as long as everyone can have access to it. Whether that it through money or time spent in game.

So the way you see it. If hypothetically, one player could gift this booster to another (and some games allows it), ie. to pay cash to give it to you - but it remains soul bound to you (meaning it still cannot be traded ingame). Then it is not pay2win because you can pay that player something ingame (RMT) to make him buy this booster for you. Is that right?

That would have to go through the safety net approval process.

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Can I have your stuff?

And it’s for such ■■■■■■■■ that we have useless patches every 2 days? priceless
Can i have an anti brain damage implant?

Since CCP has already commented in an official statement, I ask to continue this disscusion from now there: