Golem or Rattle

which for level 4 missions?


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this rattle is a ■■■■ fit rattle but in General you can do both ships für l4 missions.

the Golem is easier to fly cause you have only 1 weapon System but the rattlesnake is a passive Shield reg ship with extrem dps

If you’re dumping marauder isk into missions you might as well just get a burner fleet and a machariel for the two non burner missions you’ll actually run.

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Well if you’re drone skills are good for T-2 sen-drones then I’d get a rattlesnake because for the price of 1/3 of a Golem you get awesome results, but I’m a budget warrior as well, I go cheapo.
But if you are isk insanely rich why not do a Golem.

Oï !
I have a question on the topic of the Rattlesnake. How did the new abyssal damage mods turned out ? Did Rattlesnake broke new records in damage ?

Thanks !

No, it did not. Leshak did.

With good skills go polarized Golem

It’s like choosing between bad and worse. I guess I’ll say rattlesnake because it’s far cheaper.

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