GPU Driven Pipeline/Carbon Update - Known Issues

That’s encouraging (this update obviously wasn’t ready for release).

I run an Intel HD Grapihics 20 on my laptop and with DirectX 12 the game keeps closing.
With DirectX 11 however the game opens fine and functions as normal.

The real question is how the hell it got past QA… Unless, of course, no QA was done…

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Pitchforks - 50% off…


I am also affected on Linux with an Nvidia GPU, not Intel.


Intel UHD 620 here, updating graphics drivers per official link as we speak. Fingers crossed.

EDIT: Updating drivers (even though the new version was only a few days newer than my previous drivers) did allow the game to boot with DX12. Performance is still degraded however, especially when undocking in Jita for example.


No, but I’m seeing some spikes in the Ethernet before the FPS drops. I recently replaced the router and installed an old PCI network card in my PC (the previous two were burned by lightning). So these FPS drops could be related to some kind of network issue that manifested today. Until last night it was working fine.

Still, this thing doesn’t work with DX12 anymore. Time to buy a new machine.

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Mac mini M4 Pro, 24GB. Jita became unplayable for me. And upscaling is not available anymore. CPU load increased. The game still cannot load multiple cores, only one at 100%.

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Thanks for sharing. I don’t think EVE is offloading anything to the GPUs after the patch. It’s the only thing that explains the massive performance hit.

Addendum: Closer examination does seem to indicate that each client is running on a single GPU core. Maybe the issue is the FSR bug that CCP alluded to. Still, it would be nice if EVE could run multiple cores, though.

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can confirm. Cannot select directx 11 in the launcher. Also same issues as the rest, including the green map. After changing some settings, map no longer green but laptop heats up pretty damn hot. Can’t play too long.

Apple M1
8GB ram
Sequoia 15.3.2

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Not pulled. Still tries to download it on my Mac. Which I am not going to do seeing all the negative reports about it. I have an older Mac and already had CPU problems before, so I can’t imagine anything good coming out of it.

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Thanks for the report. We really need additional information to try and reproduce this: Resolution, graphical settings, where in game, etc.
I’m not sure what you are referencing with “disabling hardware acceleration” - are you referring to the hardware acceleration that the launcher uses under ‘Eve Launcher → Launcher Settings’? If so, this is not a client based setting.

Were you previously using FSR upscaling? If so, that could explain the decrease, as there is an issue there that we will be deploying a fix for shortly.
If not, then I’d really like to get some more details from you.


I too am experiencing abnormally high, I’ll call it “black saturation” on my monitor. It’s almost like the black color on my screen went from basic black to “ultra-it-can’t-get-any-blacker-than-this”. So, everything looks darker, substantially darker and the blacks are really “gone.”

My old system is an iMac i7 and I was barely able to achieve 30fps @3200x1800 with a mixed graphics setting (high shader, high texture, low or off on everything else).

Thanks for the report. Could you file a bug report in the client after this has happened? (F12). Tag me in it and I’ll make sure it gets looked at.
DX11 has had minimal changes, so can I just check that you didn’t see this before today?
Is it every session change / station / gate jump etc? OR are some worse than others?


free OLED upgrades thanks CCP!

Thanks for the report. I’ve flagged this and will get it looked at tomorrow.
Could you hit F12 in the client, file a quick report with this window open and tag my name in it? We’ll try to get a repo tomorrow. I didn’t see this on our M3 so I’d like to get more details :folded_hands:


Thanks for the report. Could you give me a few screenshots? If possible, F12 a bug report in the client and tag me. We’ll look into it and try to get a repo :folded_hands:

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Yes, I was referring to the Hardware Acceleration toggle in the launcher. No, I wasn’t using FSR upscaling (I believe this is the DPI Support option in the launcher?)

MacMini M4, 16GB unified/256GB SSD
10-core CPU, 10-core GPU
27” Retina 5k, OSX Sequoia 15.3.2
300-mbit fibreoptic connection

I am running three (3) EVE clients in windowed mode:

  • 3200x1800 (high or ultra on all)
  • 1440x810 (high shader/texture, low or disabled on everything else)
  • 1440x810 (high shader/texture, low or disabled in everything else)

Prior to the latest “Evolved” patch, I had 60fps v-synced on all clients and 60fps+ de-synced. In the EVE FPS tool this was basically a straight line in the performance graph for each client - regardless of activity.

Post patch, when running all 4 clients I’m seeing roughly half the fps. This varies wildly depending on if v-sync is on or off with each of the clients. The FPS tool graph is now all over the place for each client.

The upscaling option in the graphics setting keeps defaulting to off.

Another MacMini user running a faster M4 Pro/24GB is reporting the same degraded performance.
. . . . .

Feel free to contact me directly if you need any additional details or information.

Thanks for the report :folded_hands:. I’m going to guess that this is a VRAM issue if lowering that setting helped. Does your 3070ti have 8GB VRAM?
In task manager you can see how much is being used by going to ‘Performance → GPU0/1/2’ and looking at the graph for the Dedicated GPU memory. It might just be pushing over the edge causing the issue. When VRAM is exhausted it can cause all sorts of issues like this.

Generally, it’s advisable to run clients at lower settings when multi-boxing.

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