Great progress, but we need a bit more vision

o7 all. Chance Ravinne here, EVE nutjob and old Dust514 player. I wanted to start off saying this June update is HUGE and a big step in the direction Vanguard should be going. The world here feels so much more like a “game” with real things to do, challenges, choices, and of course doing it all in a dynamic PVP environment. The addition of stuff like the mining/salvage sites, as well as having some kind of real loot, even if not complete, helps Vanguard feel much more like a game.

I’m sure others will talk about gunplay, graphics, optimization, balance, lot, etc… and I’ll leave that to them. I think right now, now that we see the game can be a real game, we are at (or will soon be) at a juncture where CCP needs to deliver a vision for what Vanguard is going to be, both for itself and as part of EVE.

Right now, the top complaints on Twitter/reddit/Youtube are related to not knowing or believing what the game is supposed to be, or what the end product is going to be. Right now, nobody knows:

  • How many maps there will be
  • How Vanguards get to/choose locations, or if they can
  • How content is synched or related to EVE events, if at all (does a ship have to crash for the “ship crash” map to happen? Does a skyhook need to exist somewhere important for the “skyhook map” to happen)
  • How Vanguard interacts with EVE’s economy, warfare, sov, FW, etc.
  • What the “social structure” of the final game will be: corps, alliances, planet ownership, etc.
  • What the gameplay loop looks like, e.g. what do you DO with credits/loot, and why
  • What “modes” there are, if any, and what kind of time commitment the game will have

In the past, CCP has created grand trailers and presentations showing off what the goals of Dust were. Showing planetary control, FW impact, orbital bombardment, etc. Then with Legion, showing ship/station boarding, interacting with structure onlining, etc.

I assume CCP’s trailer department is working on this. But I think it’s also important for CCP to have a more public “here’s where we are going” other than just Discord chats that, while cool for diehards, aren’t being seen by 98% of the playerbase.


This just in from EVE Vanguard discord…

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That says like nothing …

Orbital bombardment? How do we get to shoot at the Vanguards?

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Why do you want to shoot at Vanguards :thinking:
joking ofc :sweat_smile:

But I’ve heard they will provide you with a contraband for making drugz in November :woozy_face:

I think OBS will be back at some point :crossed_fingers:

Meanwhile a mockup UI from EVE Vanguard (posted today in EVE Vanguard Discord) for planetary deployment selection

Those diamond shapes over the planet surface could be Vanguards bases in the future EVE players could target and wardec one day from PI View screen :slight_smile:

Could be it could be cool if it would be to be.

What are the actual plans for it? How will it work? etc.

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If you ask for OBS, I have no idea. But the topic constantly resurfaces on various occasions when devs talk stuff about Vanguard development. Here is the roadmap for November update. The above map is going to be part of that update .

EVE Online gets an update at roughly same time. Probably a week earlier.

And then again there will be public EVE Vanguard playtest. It will be another big update so it will probably last even longer than Solstice playtest (it was 11 days).

OBS is rather something next or even next next year I am afraid.

If the game is not designed with cross interaction in from the start, I don’t believe they ever will be able to add it.

EDIT: No, I never got to shoot them bunnies.

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Oh don’t worry EVE Vanguard is meant to be connected functionally with EVE Online length and breadth :slight_smile:

The PoC of the technical side of the link, the backend is already here. It uses Quasar. Same EVE backend component that is already used by EVE Client for Activity tracker and Skill plans tracking.

We have corruption and suppresion contribution already in place. In November abovementioned contraband mechanics will be added.

The only limit here is imagination (and EVE players’ fear of novelty :sweat_smile:) and the only thing that slows all down is time :slight_smile:

CCP London devs working on EVE Vanguard assured us they work closely with main EVE Online team in reagrd of the link and assured us that thanks to Quasar they can do almost anything.

The travel time of an event message from EVE Vanguard to EVE Online via Quasar was reported as being around 6 seconds last year iirc.


I’ve almost forgotten, in the last months of DUST 514 operation its Devs were hinting at mercenaries laying their hands on Orbital cannons

…to shoot back at Capsuleers :grimacing: …just saying :sweat_smile:

I proposed that when they dropped the second image:



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