Griefing ruins the game

Killing a pod in W-space is a valid tactic. You may not like it, but that is part of W-space. It’s not griefing. You may have a rule against it, but it’s not widely accepted as you claim.


Well some people might prefer a podexpress home instead of having to move back a chain especially if the chain is broken by the time they try to slowpod home and without scanprobes the only alternative is self destruct anyway, so instead of a time consuming self destruct a podexpress is the helpful thing to do for such. Maybe ask politely if they want an express ride home. :wink:

(Yes I’m aware you’ve been just joking sarcastically so just riding along with the theme.)

Its a valid tactic in an actual fight or an eviction, not a gank. it is otherwise considered dishonorable, widely. Its one of the first things Ashy talks about in her blogs.

Im not the one so starved for content my entire corp jumps at the ping of a roller. Maybe if you weren’t trash you could take fleet fights instead of ganking solo players.

oof, looks like you guys got your ass handed to you when you tried a fleet fight
maybe you should stick to 10v1s @Not_Muppet

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Or they were trying to get you out on purpose. The “holding and podding” are intended game play mechanics and not griefing. Sorry bruv.

You may call it WH bushido, but it doesn’t mean everyone follows the code or has to. It may make you feel morally superior, but you still got that trip to the clone bay.

It seems you keep getting taught the same lesson, you just aren’t learning it.

There are plenty of reasons to shoot :smiley:

Heh. Although I know you’re kidding, please continue to pod him :smiley: I love these threads man.

You already admit it is a valid tactic. You didn’t get ganked. You lost a PvP fight :smiley: Funny how honor seems to only exist to protect you hm? Honor for me would have been taking the loss without trash talk and accepting the death as your fault.

Well, I mean you do roll in your hole solo :smiley: Also, you rolled solo, the risk was yours. And you didn’t get ganked. You lost a PvP fight :smiley:

The level of salt you generate upon death is amazing :smiley:

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You’re a little obsessed with me, you comment multiple times on every thread I make.

Get off my dick.

It’s a valid tactic anywhere. Sure, it may not be considered classy, but comparing it to actual griefing is wayyy off the mark. You should always expect to be podded, as it is with anything you bring into w-space, it’s already lost anyway.
While there are unwritten rules that have become common over the years, saying that it’s a certified code that everyone follows is just setting up yourself to disappointment. Go into W-space with the expectation of losing everything, then you won’t be disappointed to be able to sail away with your ship/capsule.



As a member of AMOR, I would like to apologize for not showing up for ping to kill you. I was too busy ganking 3 day old characters mining in ventures in hisec.


[ 2022.01.02 02:24:40 ] Desmios Sanguis > Ive lost a lot of ships but Ive never seen a corp so thrilled that they held ewar on a 200m praxis
[ 2022.01.02 02:24:42 ] Jack Scat > You sound like a Karen
[ 2022.01.02 02:24:53 ] Desmios Sanguis > You sound like a content starved f1 monkey
[ 2022.01.02 02:25:01 ] Alex Harekal > very starved
[ 2022.01.02 02:25:05 ] Desmios Sanguis > I can tell
[ 2022.01.02 02:25:05 ] Takma Apieros > would you like to speak to a manager?
[ 2022.01.02 02:25:09 ] Alex Harekal > you dont seem to be starved of content though :smiley:
[ 2022.01.02 02:25:10 ] Jack Scat > You fed us and we thank you
[ 2022.01.02 02:25:17 ] Alex Harekal > yummy
[ 2022.01.02 02:25:17 ] Takma Apieros > aw hell, I am a manager sheeeeet
[ 2022.01.02 02:25:33 ] Desmios Sanguis > 2 praxis is your definition of fed? You are running on empty bellies then
[ 2022.01.02 02:26:00 ] Desmios Sanguis > atleast HK and HOSA have decency when they gan
[ 2022.01.02 02:26:04 ] Desmios Sanguis > gank*
[ 2022.01.02 02:26:30 ] Takma Apieros > how so?
[ 2022.01.02 02:26:37 ] Desmios Sanguis > you’re just content starved f1 monkeys that need to pile on to pings because you get swamped in fair fights
[ 2022.01.02 02:27:11 ] Alex Harekal > what would be a fair fight?
[ 2022.01.02 02:27:15 ] Jack Scat > You should buy guns with all that isk
[ 2022.01.02 02:27:22 ] Desmios Sanguis > #1 they don’t mobilzie an entire corp for a 200m battleship#2 they dont hold ewar#3 they dont pod#4 they dont act like ganking an unarmed ship is a major accomplishment
[ 2022.01.02 02:27:24 ] Alex Harekal > have you considered null sec?
[ 2022.01.02 02:27:40 ] Desmios Sanguis > Why would I move to nullsec? I own a c5/5
[ 2022.01.02 02:27:42 ] Alex Harekal > a list! looks like we need to send this to the manager!
[ 2022.01.02 02:27:45 ] Desmios Sanguis > Its one of the most lucrative areas of space
[ 2022.01.02 02:28:37 ] Desmios Sanguis > You guys flip ■■■■ at the opportunity to gank an alpha praxis, you hold ewar, you pod, you talk ■■■■
[ 2022.01.02 02:28:47 ] Desmios Sanguis > and then you get your ass kicked versus any coherent fleet
[ 2022.01.02 02:28:54 ] Desmios Sanguis > You’re literal trash
[ 2022.01.02 02:28:58 ] Desmios Sanguis > The bottom of Jspace
[ 2022.01.02 02:29:09 ] Jack Scat > You should make a strongly worded Eve forums post
[ 2022.01.02 02:29:21 ] Alex Harekal > i hear that goes well
[ 2022.01.02 02:43:55 ] Arcturen Sanguis > well come on then
[ 2022.01.02 02:43:57 ] Arcturen Sanguis > seed the hole
[ 2022.01.02 02:44:00 ] Arcturen Sanguis > next HS do an eviction
[ 2022.01.02 02:44:04 ] Arcturen Sanguis > do it pussies
[ 2022.01.02 02:44:18 ] Jack Scat > Sir you need to calm down
[ 2022.01.02 02:44:22 ] Arcturen Sanguis > Ill leave next HS open just 4 u
[ 2022.01.02 02:44:32 ] Arcturen Sanguis > bring the ‘best’ youve got XD XD
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:27 ] Jack Scat > You should roll with Dread to roll, stop being poor
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:28 ] Arcturen Sanguis > trash-talking pod-killing km-whoring scrubs
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:35 ] Arcturen Sanguis > I have an archon for that
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:40 ] Arcturen Sanguis > i use dread for ratting
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:42 ] Arcturen Sanguis > both are in my PoS
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:45 ] Arcturen Sanguis > ccome take them
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:47 ] McBobtronic > sick
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:50 ] Jack Scat > You had Praxis for that
[ 2022.01.02 02:45:56 ] Arcturen Sanguis > because it was a dangerous hole
[ 2022.01.02 02:46:03 ] Arcturen Sanguis > why tf would I bring archon into a home hole
[ 2022.01.02 02:46:30 ] Arcturen Sanguis > noob
[ 2022.01.02 02:46:37 ] Arcturen Sanguis > come take my capitals
[ 2022.01.02 02:46:41 ] Arcturen Sanguis > come take the upwell core
[ 2022.01.02 02:46:54 ] Arcturen Sanguis > ooo bet you cant
[ 2022.01.02 02:46:58 ] Arcturen Sanguis > noobs
[ 2022.01.02 02:47:21 ] Arcturen Sanguis > keep podding and killwhoring, make sure to hold that ewar on the 2mil venture, need green on that KB to make up for boundaries spanking you
[ 2022.01.02 02:47:30 ] Arcturen Sanguis > pussies


Did someone say praxis!?



I see why they podded you, @Arcturen_Sanguis . It’s your behaviour that makes people really want to pod you.

Next time maybe don’t talk trash to your opponents?


I didn’t see the podding is against wormhole bushido in the link to the Ashyin Space living in wormhole space primer that you included in the post. The Primer does say that WH space is pretty much about PvP. The Bushido that is listed is about keeping fights fair unless it’s a gank or home defense. From reading your posts, sounds like you were ganked unless you’re now telling us you brought the praxis to fight and asked for a fight. ??? Struggling to understand the 3 minutes of EWR before you were podded. Why didn’t you jump back through the WH or self destruct to stop the “Griefing”? From reading the kill mails the ship lost to podding are all within a minute. It can feel a lot longer when PvPing. Just confused about your post. Fly Safe o7

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Going off this guys posts, I’d have evicted him.

Just for the salt deposits lying in the structures.


I wasn’t even on the kill xD

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You don’t actually have to roll your hole closed.

If you are good at PvP, you can just do that instead. No reason to be a crybaby coward who has to lock themselves into a hole every night.

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They had 2x the numbers and dropped 4 marauders xD
Was a good fight.

Many fits have full neut rack, why would we assume Alpha ?

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If you want to fleet up sometime, let me know.


This was him after he got the notification that I was shooting his astra. Had no actual intentions of blowing up the newly discovered salt mine. This 8th wonder of the world must remain for others to enjoy in all its beauty.
