Griefing ruins the game

I think I’d rather eat bad pork meat and maintain plenty of my own wormholes that noone can take from me.

You don’t appear to be winning.

No one can own a hole that is untakeable.

There’s always a group bigger, better, and most importantly, more dedicated than you out there.

So there’s gangs of dudes that are really into keeping their own holes squeaky clean and maintained until another gang invades their holes and becomes top dog of their holes.

Do they at least use butter?

Everyone that rats loses their ships at some point. Its a cost of doing business.

The key is to make more than you lose.

I make 550mil/hr and I have ratted over 200 hours and Ive lost about 25bil. So lets do the math.

550 x 200 = 110,000mil or 110bil. 110 - 25 = 85bil. Id say 85bil is pretty good.

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I’ve never ratted. It sounds a little like mining, yes?

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If you mine in a 8b dreadnought with a 2b pod, sure.

Weird how this number keeps changing, and getting smaller!

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no, its not. We are talking two different numbers, net and gross.

I’ve grossed over 100 billion, which is true. I’ve lost 25bil as you pointed out, so I’ve netted about 85bil.

Its basic math, surely you can follow?

Gross is without expenses, or in this cases, losses
Net is with the losses.

Gross: 110b
Net: 85b

get it? Or too hard for you to understand, can only kill miners?

So when you said you made “hundreds of billions”, you were grossly exaggerating?

Get it?


Wut. I play everyday. You realize one can go a long time without losing ships if careful yes? I’ve also been taking a stab at indy, so I haven’t been PvPing as much.

ROFL. As if zkills is the end all be all of EVE.

You could put a wall but your horrible social skills are obviously why no one wants to live in the hole with you LOL.

So it isn’t your hole, got it :smiley:

So you admit this is why you want frig holes done away with, because they are an ISK faucet and you don’t want yours disturbed. Ah. CCP should be along shortly :smiley:

So you rent out your hole to others? Interesting.

I’m sorry, I’m just picturing a full grown man typing this sentence and just cackling

So you agree N+1 is valid, thankee :smiley:


Definitely wouldn’t want that dude going near my hole or sharing a hole with him. I wouldn’t like to go into a hole he’s been in either.

Yes, I was grossly exaggerating when I said that.

This may surprise you, but I do not keep a ledger of my earnings. I’ve never calculated how much I’ve made since I took the hole until you inquired about it.

Stop being purposefully dishonest. You know exactly the intent of my message: that I’ve made way more than I’ve lost, how can it be HIS hole, he’s only made 12mil in it…

I don’t agree it is valid, I know it exists. Pointing out that existence isn’t agreeing with its core concept.

Big difference. Stop being dense.

EVE Online is not a game that features fair arena stile match PvP. It is an open world where you can be attacked by anyone at any time. Getting ganked by 15 other players is not “griefing”, it is absolutely normal game play. This is literally how EVE works, and it doesn’t matter if you are sitting in null, worm or highsec.

The point of the game is to avoid those 15 players that want to gank you. If you don’t get that and somehow think that blaming the others for killing your ship is a valid option, you will probably not have a lot of fun in this game.

The correct reaction to all of this would have been to think about what YOU did wrong that got you into the situation that made you lose your ship, and how you can avoid it in the future.


The mystery of the magically vanishing profit.



I literally just said “15v1 isn’t fun”.

I understand its a built in mechanic. I understand I will lose rollers sometimes closing wormholes – there is no way around that – no matter how good you are. And I have accepted that.

I’ve been playing solo since may and I’ve accepted I won’t get many fair fights, and that most, if not all of the time, I will be outnumbered.

The point of this post was not to change anything, it was just me venting that I’m tired of being wildly outnumbered in fights.

Its really that simple.

There are several trolls on this forum who hate me though and turn everything into a massive personal fight.

And your post title is “Griefing ruins the game”

And the point of my answer was to tell you that it’s not the 15 attackers that “grief” you or “ruin your game”, but yourself if you blame others for your own mistake. If you are tired of being outnumbered then get some friends, or learn how to avoid this situations by accepting that it’s your responsibility.

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If there was no defense fleet then it was a simple bash. C’mon that isn’t the hardest thing to do in Jspace solo. Although if you did take citadel+defense fleet solo that would be impressive.

Whats the hardest thing to do solo in Jspace if not an eviction?

And even if its not the hardest thing, why can’t I be proud of it?

I don’t know anyone else that has done it. I set my mind to something, committed and planned for it, and successfully pulled it off in big fashion. Why can’t I be proud of that?