Grrr goons!

I wondered the same thing, after having played for more than a decade. So I joined them. I’ve never had more fun in EVE. There are always folks online to chat with, and events and ops to attend.

No more do I log in and mine alone in high sec for a couple of hours. Glad to have finally crossed that bridge.

CODE. is still pretty much mainstream
Ty for mentioning us :smiley:

Also obligatory grr gons hat gons

I have to admit to giving out a Grrr Goons now and then, it’s not hate, it’s not personal.

It’s like when you can’t sleep and you punch the pillows, it’s pointless, but somehow it seems to help :wink:

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destruction is good for the economy, you guys help drive demand for barges, exhumers, and freighters. my wallet thanks you for it :smiley:

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do you have stairs in your house?

this is only true when you’re not actually a goon, iirc.

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Inside, no.
Outside, yes.

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Because the SWAT team asked him so they don’t raid another gamer’s house… :wink:

That wouldn’t be the first time in my EVE career someone threatened to have cops at my place (serious fact sadly)

Damn ! :open_mouth:

Everything they have was handed to them, quite literally, by CCP. T2 BPOs, location of high-end moons weeks in advance of being public, facilitating Hulkageddon to exacerbate their already ridiculously OP cornering of the Hulk market and in the process building up trillions of ISK in wealth, ala CCP. This ISK is what they use to pay their pets to fight their wars.

Oh and recruitment scams that still happen to this day, despite what they say or have written in their corp descriptions. They gather the API information in bulk and will keep it knowing that most players are too lazy or stupid to delete the one they gave them… able to look at everything you do in the game from your wallet balance, your contract history, and your evemails for as long as you play the game.

oh and they came out of what is basically 4Chan-lite.

Other than those things…

sorry, nevermind, it’s an inside joke. :slight_smile:

You’re adopting a rather odd and frankly incorrect attitude to history. The t2 bpo scandal was a ccp dev handing t2 bpos to members of BOB (now mostly NCdotte), goon’s involvement in this was to publicise and vociferously complain about it, which lead to the first CSM, we did not in any way benefit from it. Thje rest of your first paragraph is stuff that just plain old did not happen, any money we made from hulkageddon and its descendants was well within the world of player interaction without dev involvement.

I think you might be getting them confused for BoB. the t2bpo fiasco was with a bob member if i’m remembering right, not goons.
Everything else you’ve posted is just speculation as far as I am aware.
the only “support” I ever saw for hukageddon from ccp was a little bit of promotion of the event (which also should have served as a warning to miners of what was coming). and so what if they used the event to bolster their hulk sales? this is eve, using dirty tricks like that is part of what makes the game great.

Most often, when i see someone complaining about the goons, i see someone (the same person :p) who would behave like them, if he was a part of them. the issue isn’t goons, but that goons are a part of something powerful, making these people realize how small and irrelevant they truly are.

it’s important to consider what kind of person actually complains. it’s not the smart, self confident type of person.

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goons reactivate whole game economy with the recent war,

Jita is running now better than in the last months (I would even say years)

jita is running , isk is running, plex is lowering, blame the goons, boh

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SA is also pretty responsible for creating 4Chan.

Goons? Or BoB…wasn’t the whole T20 issue part of the catalyst to galvanise the community against BoB and in some ways, had the community favouring Goons?

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That was 10 years ago, and a big scandal in gaming.

And every corp is keeping api’s, surprise.