Goons remind me of the USA.
If you are number 1 you will always have:
- Admirers
- Jealous Butthurts.
Goons remind me of the USA.
If you are number 1 you will always have:
no idea how I can quote on this new shite forum but yellow_parasol, you are a prime example of what I said (btw, I am not an American)… If you think lost-cause Europe with average of 40% youth unemployment is better, keep dreaming…
On a PC, you select the text you want to quote and a “quote” button appear somewhere around your selection.
Its how things are perceived. At first EVE was all Grr BoB and GRR GBC. There was reason to believe the devs were assisting BoB, cought T20 scandal cough Then when the goons overthrew bob, the perception changed that ccp was helping goons. People saw a bunch of goons get hired by ccp, and mittens always seemed to have an advantage for whatever reason. This caused the perception that ccp ‘bent the knee’ to goons. Things would be stagnate or broken, then mitten would make a blog post about it to his guys and a week later ccp posted changes to the issue. Stuff like this made it seem that goons had a lot of influence. And as the goons were nearly impossible to beat, people attributed it to ccp helping them. The narrative has thinned about in the past few years, but people shift blame when they don;t think the odds are in there favor. If i can;t beat him, then he must be hacking or the devs must be helping them. Its basic human nature. Now it can be argued that they do have influence, but its has not really been proven, so the narrative continues.
SomethingAwful came 4 years before 4chan and 2 years before the Japanese imageboard Futaba Channel or “2chan” was created, which is the imageboard that 4chan emulates. The creator of 4chan is “moot”, who is (was? can’t recall if he ever got banned for doing something stupid or just went entirely inactive) just a member of the SA forums.
And before you ask if SA and 4chan are amicable, SA goon culture generally does not find the 4chan culture very appealing or humorous, and moderators on the forums will pretty much ban you for posting “unfunny” memes from sites like 4chan or Reddit.
Some years ago the Goons were a different prospect, bigger than just the Eve version, with a stated aim of spoiling games. This is a link from 2008 that gives an insight into their mentality around that time:
I believe the Grrr, Goons came from around that time, however it appears that Eve Online managed beat them first.
Kids these days dont know what the internet was like back then.
Instead of memes everywhere, everything was argued in text.
Oh man, how I miss it. All went to crap around the turn of the century.
I think it’s grrr The Judge and Goons today.
CSM: looking after the community.
Hurrrrrrrrrrrrr…Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… BUMP!
The average is 16.9%. Only Greek exceeds the 40% and Spain comes close. Us is close to 10%.
I think goon tears would taste like honey.
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