ISK Doubling “Service”
Someone in local will say that they will double your ISK if you follow the instructions in their biography, when you click that persons name and go to their Bio-tab, you are then met with something like this:
Let’s look at it, at a first glance you will see:
- It tells you to read it carefully, and any ISK (money) you send which does not follow the rules will be considered a Donation and will not be returned.
- Arbitrary number of Billion of ISK won by players, well sure, but there are no way of proving this. Gives no valuable information!
- Table of Donation and the expected return you will get.
- Tells you some Rules. - could it really be this simple? read on to find the answer!
- Asks you to place a bounty on his/her head as a small token of gratitude. - doesn’t matter if you do or not.
- Something about this being possible because people did not follow the rules. - nothing wrong with this statement.
Before you open this, take a quick glance over the Biography above, did you notice something strange?
Did you notice the very small, almost invisible (shown by the yellow Arrows), text within the biography? If you did, great you have good eyes. If not, then don’t pull you hair out of frustrations. This is exactly the trap the scammer wanted to set for you, with the text being impossible to read you have no clue as to what it says. Well, that is not entirely true, what you can do is select all the text in the bio and then copy and paste it in a text editor, for example: Notepad, Word or even the ingame Notepad, found in Neocom (the “E” in top of sidebar) > Accessories > Notepad, now you can adjust the text size to reveal the hidden Rules.
Here are the enlarged version of the small text, in order of appearance:
add “!Il” to the beginning of the reason box.
do not include quotation marks in the reason box
add “, please;” to the end of the reason box.
place a bounty on me
NB: Just knowing the rules does not give any guaranties that you will get anything in return!
These scammers may make returns on smaller ISK donations and may once in a while double someones ISK, but do not bet your ISK (money) on it being you, it will more than likely just be one of the scammers (disposable) alts.
If you see someone in local offering his/her “Double your ISK”, do yourself a favor and right-click the player and hit Block