★ :aura: Guides and 🎁 Giveaways

You went to noob school?

If by noob school you mean the same one you went to, then yes. But only on a fieldtrip. To see how noob you were.

I had not visited a career agent.

Your loss. Career agents are amazing.

I had already completed the skill plan.

hahaha enforcer. Thats funny. Thanks for the laugh.

If your goal was to undermine my praise for something that was considered a valuable quality improvement for New Capsuleers then you could have at least used a correctl method of delivering your agenda above.

Wow, you were so offended by my post you had to flag it, huh.

That must have been painful.

Please, Gentlemen, not in front of the kids :wink:

Calm down forum posters.


Guides still available.

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