Had a DirectX 12 crash?

Hi there

We are aware of the Vsync / sync issues in general. I made a post about it here: Version 20.06 - Known Issues - #134 by CCP_Caffeine
This is something we’ll be taking a closer look at with our partners, as it’s a combination of software and hardware causing this problem. You may have some success restoring it to how it previously worked by toggling vsync / VRR / Freesync settings until we can get to the bottom of the problem.

Issue 2: However dx12 causes a hard crash of game if my ship explodes or something more intensive happens quickly. This doesn’t happen with dx11 ever.

Thanks for this. I know the nature of crashing means it might be difficult to replicate on demand, but can you think of a specific scenario where this has happened? It would be useful to know some rough information so we can try to replicate it :slight_smile:
Can I also check that your drivers are up to date? We’ve seen issues with older ones for sure which are no longer present on the latest ones.