Happy birth day eve and good bye

an I have your stuff? :stuck_out_tongue:


Because I care? I mean, that other individual didn’t say anything that would make sense. That other individual said nothing that would make for a better experience. All that other individual said was “leech off on other people’s work”. In contrast to that individual, I care for my hobby and want it to be a nice place to have fun in. Individuals like that individual, though, do everything in their power to make it a worse place. All this individual said was aimed to demean other people’s work. :smiley:

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The fact that you insult someone by attacking their gender (whether real or perceived, doesn’t matter, you don’t know what I am and I won’t tell you) says everything about you that people need to know.

Alt-posting human trash wussy.

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What about your stuff? If you are leaving may I have it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

:red_circle: Pot calling the cattle black. Color me surprised that an individual like you can’t contain their incompetence. I don’t quite care what you are. All I need to know about you is that you have no clue about anything and only babble nonsense, that makes people who actually care for EVE feel worse. And you can do nothing but leech on other people’s work.

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well I kind of did say what I want with my memories. Go down to null ratt or join in fleet fights but I kind of first need to afford a ship or 2 for that which I got bored to hell trying to do with level 2 missions or venture mining.

yes I know try scanning but I can´t I have 0 skills in scanning and I mean I can´t even fitt t1 launcher.
Tried 8 hours doing hig sec ded with no luck I made 11mill in bounty that waas about it.

Problem is I need to get started but does few things I can do felt like a job and not pure fun.

Sure I can go pvp but im not a fan of 10 v 1. I want to do fleet fights where I stand a chance not being alone becuse im bad at pvp.


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:red_circle: I hope your facepalm takes the context into consideration? Because, if it does, I don’t understand why you facepalm. What can you create in low sec that does not involve a lot of work as this individual Destiny indicates?

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i live in low and i don’t think any part fells like work
i have lots of fun there and interact a lot
but the facepalm is for the station part

Good riddance.

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:red_circle: Good, you didn’t take the context into consideration. Well, that’s that. Maybe you should ask Dockworkers about their effort to do their things in low sec. I see you fly with them every now and then. Apart from that: what have you created in low sec?

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dude i complimented @Destiny_Corrupted post
i think it was great
you made a critique of the post , i think the critique is bland and bad
you talked shi$ about low , i live in low so i gave you a well deserved facepalm
i think i create content on low sec, im a solo pilot ,i do 100% of my stuff alone
but its just like my opinion dude
now with less salt


try min maxing your corvet and run a lvl2 combat mission in it :wink:
edge of your seat content right there!

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