Harbinger PvE fit

I’m looking for a good PvE build for Harbinger.I still lack some skills but I will be there soon.
I want to use it mainly for missions maybe just maybe for ratting.

Do you mean to say Harbinger?

haha Yeah,sorry

Alright, lemme try :

[Harbinger, Harbinger L3]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Armor EM Hardener II
Armor Thermal Hardener II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Tracking Computer II
Cap Recharger II

Heavy Beam Laser II, Ultraviolet M
Heavy Beam Laser II, Ultraviolet M
Heavy Beam Laser II, Ultraviolet M
Heavy Beam Laser II, Ultraviolet M
Heavy Beam Laser II, Ultraviolet M
Heavy Beam Laser II, Ultraviolet M

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Everything can be downgraded to a meta (or faction variant, if you’re wealthy) if you do not have the skills, fitting space or money. Your distance will play a lot when confronting enemies, so try to get far enough from your enemies, somewhere near your gun max optimal range.

For the second Tracking Computer, you can either leave it unscripted to get both (smaller) bonus on range and tracking speed, or script it where your skills are lacking the most. Since enemies will tend to burn toward you as you build range, their transversal speed will be low, your guns shouldn’t have any trouble tracking them.

Be careful that, with a lot of active Armor tanking, your capacitor is your life. You should use your Repairer only when you need to.
Also, it’s primary that you should kill the smallest ships before the others, as frigates will always outrun you. If they get too close, your drones will have to take them, and in L3 frigates start to use E-WAR. Even worse, if you’re going against Sansha missions, they often use Tracking Disruptors.

Once the smaller stuff are dead, orbit at max range the biggest ships in the room.

@Sasha_Viderzei has posted a fine fitting.

A few thoughts:

  1. If possible I would fit a 10mn Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner to conserve some capacitor.
  2. I always used Heavy Pulse Laser IIs. With Scorch lenses and both Tracking Computers with Optimal Range Scripts these have 35km optimal and still excellent tracking. If you want to get the most out of lasers, always combine T2 pulse lasers with Scorch lenses.
  3. Include 5x Acolyte IIs and 5x Infiltrator IIs.
  4. With HPLs and Scorch you could do 484 DPS up to 35km plus 138 DPS from the Infiltrators.

[Harbinger, L3 Missions and Ratting]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Armor EM Hardener II
Armor Thermal Hardener II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Cap Recharger II

[Empty High slot]
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Acolyte II x5
Infiltrator II x5

Optimal Range Script x2
Tracking Speed Script x2
Conflagration M x12
Scorch M x12
Radio M x6
Standard M x6
Multifrequency M x6

Nice improvements ^^

I have a question regarding what you said on Pulse lasers and Scorch.

Im trying to build a Nightmare fit for nullsec PVE, one that should be able to clear anomalies and run whatever escalations that I could drop. I planned to use the good range of large beams, but what are you thoughts on pulses for that, please ?

I’ll share the fit once I’m home.

I would fit a AB and pulses Nightmare for this.

While beams are fine on a Nightmare I prefer Pulses on her as well.

It’s a rule of thumb: If you can, try Pulses and Scorch first before resorting to Beams.

Hint: There’s a 100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner as well :wink:

Eh, to try Scorch + Large pulse lasers, I still need to train for T2 large energy turrets ^^

But wouldn’t a brawling Nightmare with AB have problem sustaining its tank ? Since like other Sansha ships, it’s usually shield tanked, it could be troublesome to be stuck in a pack of rats with no capacitor left --"

Sure, but

if you want to use lasers capacitor skills aren’t support skills but weapon skills :wink:

Beams consume considerably more capacitor than pulses.

You can fit a Heavy Capacitor Booster (or related rigs) to circumvent high capacitor usage / low capacitor skills.

How much do you plan to spend for the Nightmare and it’s fitting? Nightmares aren’t the cheapest options and maybe you want to consider alternatives if you can’t afford a loss.

I have to respectfully disagree. Medium beams are, as a matter of course, extremely good weapons, especially for PvE. HPL with Scorch puts out slightly less damage than HBL with IN UV at slightly less range.

Moreover, if you load both with IN MF, the HBL actually outdamaged with HPL while having twice the optimal. Hell, even if you go to Conflag and Gleam Conflag only pulls ahead by half a percent.

And yes, pulses track better, but decent piloting more than makes up for that. We’re not talking about the gap between 425s and 720s here.

The drawback to beams? Fitting and activation cost. Damage, range, and application are all either too close to realistically call or end up favoring beams.


if you want to use beam, then you need elutriation and ancil/oc rigs…

Thanks for adding so much useful arguments.

Everything considered, there is a reason why I always have both beams and pulse fitting e.g. for my Paladin.

→ 3. May I suggest mission specific ones instead, they do make a difference.

Your fit shows an empty high slot, which may wear an armor command burst I or II with either rapid repair or armor energizing charges, thank me later.

If you tell me where in nullsec you want to do pve in a Nightmare, I am gladly coming over to help you out with some sites. They can be tricky.

Well, it’s on an alt in Querious. But eh, I think my battleship will be able to do most things, with some difficulties on 10/10.

Oh I was joking. Nothing has a bigger “gank me naow” neon sign on than a pirate ship doing pve in nullsec.

I got the impression the OP wanted to fight Sanshas (or Bloodies)

Watch your capacitor. Bloodies neut you …

Yup, and those assholes can suck a ship like Nightmare dry quite fast…

Oh okay, in that case. I do love amarr drones.

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