Hello Wormholers

I am new to Eve-Online. Though technically my character already is a bit older last time I setup my character I only played for a few weeks before I quit (again). For some unknown reason unbeknownst even to myself I got interested in Eve again.

So I am just trying to pickup where I left last time, which is doing the AIR Career stuff, dabble in the various things etc. But, what really interests me is Wormhole space, actually living in there and doing stuff (eventually).

My question here today for you is simple. What would you recommend in terms of preparation before setting out into the unknown etc. In terms of Wealth and Resources (Ships, Ammunition, Multiple Clones etc and/or whatever. Stuff like that. Stuff that when you do actually make the move, besides knowning the fundamentals… Don’t make me feel “helpless” or feel distressed because that one ship I had was gone, and there is only one other one left before running out stuff.

I am not in a hurry, but getting some sense of direction would be good to set as a goal in terms of things to collect buy and move. To have a good set of wealth collected over time, own many different asset(s) and have them prepared so they can be used and/or are ready for your new career/life. I don’t feel like just flying out with a frigate and thats it… It doesnt work like that.

Last time, MANY years ago when I once decided to dabble into Null-Sec. And to cut the story short even after they tried well to make me feel at home and help me out. There is only so much they can do and most of the time I just felt helpless. IF I am going out of highsec again, which would be cool because the only reason I see myself play this game for longer then 3 weeks again is to eventually fly with other people instead of just doing things solo.

While you can make due with a lot less, it is highly recommended to have skills for:
T2 probe launcher
fly a DST
T2 COVOPS cloak

A lot of time spent as a WHer is scanning, bookmarking, and jumping wormholes to see what the current connection chain looks like. You want to have a char that is well trained in those activities as it can be painful otherwise; and there is no local, so it’s best to be hidden as that is your biggest safety net.

After that, it turns to what you want to do.
For making ISK:
PI will be important, and it is helpful if you have your account maxed with the 3 chars available to set up PI (and have a back-up scan ship, for emergencies). WH planets generally have great PI, on par with Nullsec Planets.
Combat PvE ships are also helpful. With very high SP, you can easily use a ~300-400M isk fit to clear C3 sites with a HAC, or ~1 bil on a T3C to clear them even faster with tackle ready to have your friends come jump anything that jumps you, or you can use a ~2-3 bil marauder to very quickly clear c3 and c4 sites. WH sites are generally very lucrative as they grant a lot of ISK, but there is a lot more risk compared to k-space.

Mining things other than fullerite gasses are generally suboptimal uses of your time, while having the same level of risk. Manufacturing and Indy endeavors, on the other hand, are very good (same manufacturing bonuses as NS) and the ability to randomly connect to Jita to buy things/materials, and then later connect to Amarr, Dodoxie, or a FW trade hub to sell stuff makes for some very sexy profit margins.

Many of the WH corps are relatively small compared to the nullsec corps, and you will want to be fairly well self sufficient.

It also helps to have multiple accounts, mainly for scouting (covops + T2 probe scanner) and keeping watch on targets. Intel such as size/comp of the enemy fleet, and early warning if a gank squad is positioning to jump your ratting ship, or keeping eyes on a hostile fort to see if they get a huge response to a pvp ping… very important in the grand scheme, but not strictly required (though some corps do require a player to have multiple active accounts for scouting purposes).

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I think EVE-Uni still maintains a wormhole campus.
Maybe try that out as a starting point.
Most c5/6 wh corps expect you to have your own isk generation methods. Krabbing the home system or down main chain can be very risky.

thank you, I figured that going into wormhole space and living there isn’t a “easy thing” you can just do and move over. Atleast with your reply I have some sense in things I need to work on and prepare for to eventually be able to make such a move.

As I am at the moment, I wouldn’t be able to be self sufficient whatsoever.
However I think the Eve-University Wormhole thing/classes etc might be a very good entry level thing to follow and learn / prep for the eventual real thing that mr Mephiztopheleze mentioned in his comment.

Thanks both for your insights!

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