Help Me EVE Community, You're My Only Hope

What? Oh, ok, sorry.

Not all EvE, of course, but interesting imo.


You already won with the framed and glassed Minmatar ammonite symbol thing on the wall. Bless you my son, you will go far!


Yes indeed, course the wall needs another picture as well, maybe one with the good ole Minmatar mantra :

In Rust We Trust

This one always reminded me of a cool summer sunset :
Tropical Paradise Port Of Call

Oh man, I got way too many screenshots to pick from. Guess I’ll just post a few more :
Just Say No

Containment Failure

Hidden Smuggler’s Training Facility

Guarded Acceleration Gate

Into The Wild Blue Yonder

I should probably stop now, however I gotta say this one is my most favorite :
Eve - The Final Frontier



This is a picture of Bourynes II. Took it as I was hanging over the planet in my Gnosis. I like the depth of the image and it has some very good serene feel to it. I took the shot for fun roleplay purposes. Enjoy! :slight_smile: :rocket:

For more of my images check here: :wink:



Also: this is a slightly modified image of some null sec nebula, that I took in some of my journeys. The Immensea region. The contrast is the modified part. I use it as a desktop wallpaper, it is really nice. Has this gorgeous “journey” feeling, and makes one appreciate the vastness of Space. :slight_smile: EVE is beautiful! :heart:


corp mining op

honestly tried to find my sceens of scouting missions in deep low sec but…


The Jovian Nebula I would use my own image but, it won’t allow me to upload images


This is me in my Navy Comet “Julius Rigel” with Julius himself (Sub-warp Racing Venture) in his Atron. I miss sub-warp racing:

Just a nice random view on a citadel I shot while travelling around:
My old home station in Tekaima, with the Gallente nebula, my birthplace, in the background:
One of my best touristic shots:


Here’s a reminder for @CCP_Fozzie to rebalance Black Ops.


bombers bar killing an apostle

somewhere somewhere with someone doing something

just me chilling at the sun


LOL, that “Just Say No” one. “Eve - The Final Frontier” is a real beauty.


You have to check out Wilhelm Arcturus’s Eve Online Pictures site. I don’t know how Wilhelm gets these amazing screenshots, but many of them are pretty stunning. You might want to ask Wilhelm if he minds if you use one or two, just to be courteous. Pretty sure he’ll say “Go for it” though.


I just scrolled up an viewed everybody’s shared shots. Amazing!

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Thanks brother, I appreciate it.

‘Just Say No’ screen shot is a classic. I forget when CCP actually ran that ad on Gate Billboards, it was quite a few years ago and only done for one summer.

‘Eve - The Final Frontier’ is a very old screen shot, one I took way back before nebula, planets and space graphics were updated.

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Wow, you aren’t kidding. There’s gotta be thousands of Eve pictures in it, ranging back to May 26, 2008, a few weeks before I started playing.


updated: heres the picture

also heres one of my rokh another one of my amarr destroyer (cant spell the name) in catch: also heres one of my chimera


I wanted to save the killmark before the ship got blown up. Came out better than I had hoped :smiley: (That Venture is still intact BTW)


Titanomachy Monument
A handful of screenshots from when I first joined eve after reading about the Bloodbath of B-R5RB, made the run in a caldari shuttle and didn’t die until the return trip.

Around New Eden
These screenshots are from a run all the way around the very edge of the whole map of New Eden.
I took a luxury yacht around 100 jumps and 2 hours of traveling.



The Stratios-class CSS Castor on patrol in the New Eden system with the EVE Gate, several parsecs away, in the background.

I think this image of the Stratios is wonderfully framed with one of the most important landmarks of New Eden in the background. This particular shot was taken just after I’d re-joined Signal Cartel a bit earlier this year and set up shop in the New Eden system.

Alan Mathison
Signal Cartel