why do you fit ecm modules on a pve mission combat ship?
blackbird is a caldari ship, i suppose it is usually shield tanked
you have no specific resist module except the damage control. Usually pve ships have resist modules directed toward the damage type dealt by npcs…
i don’t know what are the fits you found, but i would suggest
to use the numerous mid slots for tanking, remove ecm modules, p
ut some adaptive inv field and shield hardeners against specific damages, medium shield booster
to use a caldari cruiser with bonuses for pure fight (for example caracal) rather than ecm-bonuses blackbird…
There are skills and rigs that reduce the power need of modules, like (Advanced) Weapon Upgrades and Power Grid Management.
You should not run missions using a non stop running MWD, your signature blooms and thus you are hit much easier. Also you are too quick to keep optimal distance or even lock range. So the MWD is off most time and not consuming cap this way.
Lvl2 PvE should not be a problem, but your ECM modules are not really helpful, as stated in the posts above.
The Blackbird is a very specialised ship - it’s designed to support others by breaking the targeting locks on opponents. The Eve University fittings are all focused around that role. They save fitting space - power grid (PG) and CPU by using small weapons from frigates rather than medium sized cruiser weapons. The weapons are only there to deal with small ships that try to point (warp jam) them - they are not killing machines, they are support ships.
For mission running the Caracal and the Moa are better options - they are the Caldari combat cruisers. The four empires each have a set of cruisers that roughly pan out as one e-war support, one logistics (remote repair) support and a couple of combat ships of various weapon systems or tanking preferences. Generally for mission ships you are looking at combat cruisers since you are trying to kill NPCs.
The Amarrian Arbitrator is a bit of an exception - it’s an e-war cruiser which can be a reasonable mission runner, but generally…
The general approach is “what do I need a ship to do?” then pick a hull and fit it according to that need rather than “I like the , it’s pretty”. I’m lucky fly Amarrian ships: They are all pretty; but even then I use the right tool for the job.