Help Seed The Moons of New Eden!

Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul. I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.

Maybe it’s a little early. Maybe the time is not quite yet. But those other worlds–promising untold opportunities–beckon. -Carl Sagan

Anyone that loves Eve or space needs to watch this: Wanderers

We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion year old carbon
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden

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`In the beginning, the forces of the Universe cast the moons and planets from the dust of dead stars.  

 Now, we harvest the lifeblood of moons from their flesh to mark our ascension.`

Here I’ll give max 3 submissions. Please do not count text outside blocks.

“Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed.”

Stanisław Lem, Solaris

“Very few people ever bother to find out what other people really think. They are willing to accept whatever they are told about anyone sufficiently distant."

Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars

“This evidence proves beyond a doubt, that the ships that destroyed the Donnager were built at the Busch Naval Shipyard. They were built by Earth.”

Said by Capt. Holden, The Expanse, TV series.


19 21 14 4 5 18

The moon is hard for us to bear.
I will peel its skin like a pear.
Out comes the plate with a flare.
Come to me, rock of dispair.
Come to me now, rock of dispair.

We the people of Earth greet you in a spirit of peace and humility. As we venture out of our solar system, we hope to earn the trust and friendship of other worlds. Then we will rob you blind. LLAP


Yes it is a SHA 256 hash of the number 42

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To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

73 1679

Which is the number of rows (73) and the number of bits (1,679) that make up Arecibo message, sent to space in search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

That’s no moon!

We gave up some of our Privacy to the government for protection from Terrorists - Maybe its time we say we are willing to live with the possibility of a terrorist attack to protect ourselves from the government.

We are EVE, we honor our fallen comrades for time ever lasting.
"FC: What was that? NOOB: I was just fying the spaceship Sir! FC: That's not flying! NOOB: I don't like to pvp sir! FC: Stop complaining, my first wife didn't like to pvp, either...!"
“Somebody said that carrier pilots were the best in EVE, and they must be or there wouldn't be any of them left alive.”

For the Night is dark and full of Moons.

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I flew around New Eden and all I got was this lousy moon.

How about All your Moons are belong to us?

Moon Mining is the future, the Lifeblood of things to come. Let the minerals spread across New Eden.
