Help Seed The Moons of New Eden!

“I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

168 characters. And who doesn’t enjoy a Terry Pratchett quote?

I will double your isk.

not going to bother to read all these but hope someone has recommended the hash for the Eve Death poem if not let me. It’s become a well known and respected part of eve why not honor it and it’s original creator I don’t know a better way to express the deep bonds in the community or the fact we build such bonds and remember players that were our friends and even hated enemies but always respect their passing.

"Eyes forward, capsuleer, the cyno is not yet lit.
Consider your modules, your rigs and ammo before you undock. For the cyno is not yet lit.
Break free of the station and witness the universe before you. For the cyno is not yet lit.

Set your ship to fly through the vastness while you wait. For the cyno is not yet lit.
Pay attention, capsuleer, for those who have gone before you call for you to join them.
The cyno is now lit.

Eyes forward, capsuleer, the cyno is not yet lit.
Consider your modules, your rigs and ammo before you undock.
For the cyno is not yet lit.
Break free of the station and witness the universe before you.
For the cyno is not yet lit.

Set your ship to fly through the vastness while you wait. For the
cyno is not yet lit.
Pay attention, capsuleer, for those who have gone before you
for you to join them.
The cyno is now lit.


Goonie meanie mining moon
Bet your ISK they’re moving soon.
You’ve been farming that same goo?
Goonie meanie mining moon.

“Cyka blyat idi nahui”

Yes, they have never liked the song it sings, too monochromatic for their tastes.

I offer these remarkable quotations of Sigmund Freud:

Time spent with cats is never wasted

One feels inclined to say that the intention that man should be “happy” is not included in the plan of “Creation.”

Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock
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B0SS is dead. LONG LIVE B0SS

*CCP Logibro looks to his faithful manservant* “I require a seed to change the moons of New Eden.” *The muscular Caldari turns to Logibro* “Here is the seed you require master...all 200 of it!” Aarrgh

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import numpy as np
from numpy import random

for i in range(5):
    arr = np.arange(5)  # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    random.seed(1)  # Reset random state
    random.shuffle(arr)  # Shuffle!
    print arr

The most beautiful and appropriate number I could think of was the 42 iteration of the Fibonacci Sequence: 267914296


We choose to go to their moon, not because it is easy, 
but because it will be hard. 
Because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, 
are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.

The moon-spice extends live. It is vital for space travel. The podpilots use it to travel to any part of the universe.

The goo is mine
And while i goo
The lasers glow
Explosions over all

(Written by me)

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