Help Seed The Moons of New Eden!

Always remember to sanitize your inputs.
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this is the winner just log to forum for this ever

"In space, no one can hear you mine.’

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Don't kill me please, I'm new in eve

But The Mittani, at Fanfest, with the Wizard Hat.

All your moon are belong to us

420 Blaze It

break block

Spiral out, keep going

Not Red Don’t Shoot

It should be something that is huge, vast and is everywhere, so I suggest “your mom”.

200 character limit - I need others to contribute to the chain :slight_smile:

Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.

DirkGently’s Holistic Detective Agency

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I have no hands.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for capsuleer children.

“That’s no moon…it’s a space station.”




So pick an actual good seed value, like a mathematical constant.

I do not quite know the relationship between lunatics and the moons, but it must be a strong one, if they used a word like that to describe the insane.

To mine or not to mine, that is the question.


Petrified of mining? Man the guns!

Mathematical Constant is my suggested seed.
The number is a mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm: the unique number whose natural logarithm is equal to one. It is approximately equal to 2.71828, and is the limit of as approaches infinity, an expression that arises in the study of compound interest. It can also be calculated as the sum of the infinite series.