Here we grow again!



Recruitment is open!

For more detailed information, check out our recruitment post on reddit.

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Happy to welcome another new member to the corp :slight_smile: And still recruiting!

PVP, PVE, INDY, you name it, we do itā€¦

Here we go again, because we keep slowly, but steadily growing, again






Bump! still recruitingā€¦

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I joined CEEK about 6 weeks ago now and apart from having amazing space, infrastructure, organization, transparencyā€¦ the most important thing for me is the individuals in the corp are amazing. Theyā€™re always willing to help out and get you into new things while being super low preasure.

If youā€™re a new player, or an older player on the fence about what corp to join, give these guys a shot.


Been with the corp well over a year now.

Iā€™ve had a routine with EvE where every few months to a year I burn out and take a long break. Due to lack of content, lack of direction, drama, etc.

I originally joined CEEK with an alt with no intention of bringing my main here. Very quickly I ended up bringing my main to CEEK as I saw something special with this group.

Thereā€™s never a lack of content for us. We do so much as a group.

What sticks out to me the most is the clear communication and leadership from our CEO and directors. They are very transparent and everything decision is about making people ISK rich as easy as possible and making the group stronger for it.

No drama, lots of patience and communication. Canā€™t be topped. Always in comms, always cracking jokes and having fun.

I have no sense of burnout in me with this game anymore. I love getting to jump on, hang with the group and just cause some trouble.

CEEK is a place to check out.


Iā€™ve been with CEEK/INIT for 65 days as of writing this.

As it currently stands, CEEK has been one of the most fun, organized, friendly and, efficient Corps iā€™ve had the pleasure of joining in this game. Thereā€™s non-stop activity on a daily basis. Theres always someone to mine with, shoot reds with, or just hang out and chat with. CEEK members are supported in every way conceivable from new pilots to veterans. Youā€™ll never be short on ISK. Youā€™l never be short on content. Youā€™ll never want to leave us once you join because it feels like coming home to family after a long trip.

We are always looking for and welcoming new family members to continue our amazing journey with through the galaxies of New Eden <3


Allright so, havenā€™t posted in awhile, very busy IRL, and my free time is spent hunting, dying, ratting, mining, chatting, laughing, dying more, killing, running around like an idiot after all the herons, helios, small crap.
Phew, tired just thinking about itā€¦

At the end of it all, good and bad, ups and downs, ebb and flow of the tide, living in a major alliance is made a lot easier by being in a great corp.
Itā€™s not perfect all the time, but, 99% of the time its nuts on great and I canā€™t ask for more than that.
Want to make isk, we can teach you.
Want to kill ā– ā– ā– ā– , we can teach you.
Want to mine stuff, we can teach you.
Want to build ā– ā– ā– ā– , some of the best in the game are in CEEK ready to teach you.

See you in Fountain.


2 more joined over the weekend! Come chat with us.

8 more joined today! Come talk to us!

2 more just joined! Join a community that is growing and inclusive!