Not much really. A bunch of goalpost shifting and some bizarre point about the number of ganks happening being irrelevant to the subject of ganking and it’s effect on the game. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about, so much so that even Dryson is on your side
Unbelievably stupid thing to say. Statistics and hard information combined with proper context are the only way to discuss anything.
Unless they have a brain, in which case they will realize the numbers are low because ONLY people who make stupid mistakes such as that are being ganked.
These are the guys who don’t have a brain.
They’re probably trying to get a rise out of you Dryson.
I mean, surely the biggest losers are the people they kill right? Being killed by the losers of EvE online must make their prey some kind of super-loser right? Don’t even get me started on the guys who fail to stop them while calling themselves “anti-gankers”. You need some success to call someone else a loser
Nah salvos is able to make points and kind of stick to them, even if they are occasionally misguided. I’m having a hard time telling if Whitehound is actually even an adult. No joke
That’s a stupid position. It makes fun of you better than anyone here ever could.
Hang on, am I a Solstace / Nitche / Pedro / Wreckyou alt? I’m so confused these days. Shall we just say that anyone who disagrees with you is an alt of me or something? There has to be a system…
No, it doesn’t. Be glad somebody gets the real you.
I haven’t actually thought about it. Nor does it matter. The only thing that matters is how each player behaves individually, which brings us to this thread.
In game sure. But we aren’t in game here. We are in the forum discussing the subject. Why are numbers irrelevant to the subject here in the forum?
When people make claims about ganking, surely validating whether those claims are correct or not, helps to advance discussion, and or frame it around some measure of fact?
In game, no trends matter. The only thing that matters is what is actually happening in game at the time, in the area I am going to travel.
But that’s true of all trends and most stats (at least all that are not completely deterministic).
Doesn’t matter what the subject is, if you need to make an individual decision in a particular time, then the key is what is actually occurring at that time (or just after).
However, I don’t see how that invalidates the use of numbers to help frame discussions, or assess the validity of claims made here. Most claims in the forum seem to be made of single individual experiences and or beliefs, and they are often tied to requests to change the game (like the OP in this thread). How is anyone else to judge whether the OP is reasonable or not, if we don’t actually look at some evidence?
I’m not talking about their relevance here on the forum. I’ve already acknowledge that to some these have a relevance, only not for me, and I’ve written why. So I’m not going over it again. You can just scroll up and read it.
For the game-play of an individual player are the numbers then only misleading. They don’t help in solving the problem for the gankees. Instead, the gankees need to adapt and to change their play-style. It’s not the gankers who need to change. Discussing gank numbers endlessly is not the way forward.
When even gankers offer advice, they never say “look at the numbers and undock when ganking should be quiet”, so I wouldn’t think there is any chance people are being mislead by the numbers. They seem to be mislead more by the lack of them.
However, advice offered is alwasy along the lines of:
watch local
place gank Corps and Alliances on watchlist
don’t autopilot
if hauling - scout, web, use only the maximum sized cargo for the job required (ie. if you don’t need to put a package in a freighter because a DST will do, then use a DST)
don’t overload the value of the cargo
Practicaly advice on how to avoid being ganked is never about the numbers, but about gameplay options.
The numbers are just purely for the purpose of discussions.
I’m not going to question the rest of your comment, because you do give good examples of what is correct, individual player behavior. However, I quoted one part of it for a reason… Try to give an honest answer to the following:
Assume there were 0 ganks in Uedama for the entire last week. How safe, on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=not safe, 10=safe) would you rate the situation if a freighter pilot with 10b ISK cargo wanted to fly through Uedama?
And, before you give the answer, try to rate it as if you’d be giving the rating to yourself and you’d then use it to decide whether or not to do it. In other words, don’t try to theorize too much, but give an honest practical number.
I think you will find that hauling 20b in anything is in breach of the rules of the “Mighty CODE.” ™ [sic]. Not that you will find that rule written down mind you, other than if you can be bothered crawling through for precedents of where payees to the “Mighty CODE.” ™ [sic] have been ganked, including in freighters and including for the reason of carrying too much loot … err, freight.
If you get ganked you’re not following the new halaima code of conduct. I don’t get ganked, because I’m following the one and only code of ethics every hauler should follow. Theres a very clear difference between myself and your average hauler who wants to move things through New Order territory.