I have never really wanted to gank until reading this post. Sign me up for some eve online super Mario style
The only thing that matters for the freighter pilot is what the situation is when they want to fly through the system. A week of 0 ganks doesn’t mean they won’t be the next one and the onus is on them to take all of the normal precautions that should be taken to keep their freighter safe.
So until they have gathered their intel and until they have managed the risk of being ganked, the assumption would be the rating is a 1.
That’s the exact approach I take almost daily hauling through highsec. While I regularly use stats and numbers to support/refute arguments in forum threads, when it comes to hauling in game, I still run my own separate webapp locally that gathers all the intel for me and allows me to set standings for gankers, blackbird pilots, etc. Before undocking, it will check any route about to be taken and identify all the kills, rate the situation in a number of systems and provide a complete output to use to decide whether its ok to undock and do all of my normal things, or just plan to haul at some other time. This is what that app looks like:
At the same time, that doesn’t diminish the value of stats and trends when discussing subjects in the forum.
Corporation: | Cohenberg’s Ethical Hauling [BUUMP] |
CEO: | Sasha Cohenberg |
Alliance: | CODE. <CODE.> |
Members: | 4 |
https://zkillboard.com/kill/70002853/ note the time, 16:21, that eagle skin is 975mils on Jita
https://zkillboard.com/kill/70003145/ at 16:43
This is why ppl get ganked.
I 'member last time we wardeced you to do some “Real PvP” this happened:
^ Gold.
Actually it does. See, if somebody were to suggest to include moon phases into the discussion and because some people stay up longer during a full moon, you’d still get how far fetched of a factor this would is. Gank numbers only seem like they are relevant, but they are not as I hope you now admit.
The sooner you strip away all of these irrelevant factors can you start helping those who complain here and end the discussions.
Or say, do you believe it helps in any way whatsoever when a doctor holds up a bucket filled with blood to show how much the patient has been bleeding?
Allow me to visualize this for effect…
Imagine you had a car accident and they bring you into a hospital. So the first thing they do as part of the emergency procedure is to show you a bucket of your blood:
They don’t do this in your hospitals, or do they?
People simply like these numbers and statistics for entertainment. That’s all this is.
And when people complain about ganks and say there is too much of it then just ignore it. Don’t take their argument and try counter it. It is of no use and they’ll only find more arguments for you to argue with. Go straight to telling them what they need to do. Don’tr try to visualize it, don’t come up with analogies, don’t keep scores of arguments, … unless of course you’re trying to keep the complaints coming and have an endless discussion every time.
WTF is the only response to that.
We are clearly discussing different things. I’m referring to situation where people come into the forum and claim ganking is out of control, at an all time high, making highsec too risky to play in, increasing, etc. (not verbatim) and how the numbers are relevant to understanding whether those beliefs are something we should be concerned about, or dismiss them based on our individual view of things.
I have no clue what you are referring to here.
So I’ll bow out at this point because I’m not trying to change your mind by any means. I personally find the use of objective evidence and facts that anyone can verify, to be useful for discussion. If you don’t, then more power to you (or faith, or mysticism, or astrology…or whatever it is that you find relevant. It’s not for me to try to say any of those are wrong for you).
What have you achieved by arguing over it so far?
I’ve never run a poll to ask and I’m not interested in stroking my epeen by achieving something. I post for my own purposes, like we all do. I don’t know that I’ve achieved anything, but achievement in a forum isn’t much of a stick to measure myself by anyway.
I take part in discussions because I’m interested in the game and like we all are, interested in the things I find attractive about the game. So when someone posts something counter to what I believe is true, I go measure whether they are right. If so, then my view changes. If not, then I put the information here. It’s just part of what forums are about.
So you are here for the “hot air”?
Ah, this old gem again.
I got ganked in HISec the other day. 0.5, sure. But still HiSec.
And you know what happened?
I lost a 40 mil Covetor. But I hurried back with a salvage ship and pulled about 20 mil worth of salvage off their wrecks. Default/basic insurance payed out 11 mil on my Covetor.
But the really good part? The gankers bitched in local that my Covetor was too cheap to have been worth their effort. Given what I pulled off their wrecks, I suspect they may have lost about as much as I did. They had a surprising amount of Tier II modules for a catalyst gank fit.
So paying 9 million for suicide ganker tears? Worth it.
I’m selling off the kill rights on all three pilots at 20 million a pop. Anyone buying them off me is probably unlikely, sure. But if I sell even one of them, then I technically will have made a profit off that gank.
Fit your ship nice and cheap and be prepared to lose it and you’ll be okay.
Otherwise, fly a cheap high-tank Procurer and a flight of Hornet EC-300’s and the gankers will probably get the message and go after something a little easier. You could go with a Skiff, but in my view the capital-to-tank ratio just isn’t worth it when compared against the cheaper Procurer.
But even so, I prefer the high-yield option though. I’m greedy and I don’t mind the risk of experiencing EVE content, and the extra yield will eventually pay for itself provided I don’t get ganked too often.
So quit yer bitchin’. It’s a part of EVE. Adapt to the conditions and stop giving filthy casual carebears a bad name. Remember that the more you cry, the happier the gankers are.
@Scipio_Artelius whats that screenshot? where can i gut that HaulSafe?
He explained at length, in a very understandable manner what he was trying to say. You merely quoted a small part and are pretending he said something he didn’t. Your goalpost shifting and general dancing so far has been very entertaining and I look forward to more of it today.
I shall begin by saying that you still have no idea what you’re blithering on about and your stance on statistics being for entertainment only is laughable and demonstrably false.
No. That’s not what I did. I gave him a like for what he wrote and then asked if he means “hot air”, since this is often what people think of what we are doing here and because he said it’s what we all do. In other words, I’m being sarcastic, mate.
You’re not wrong
Yeah it is.
I don’t see how anyone can help you there.
You could help by making points that make sense instead of just waffling on about nothing.