Get rid of High-Sec and ICELAND’s economy will go into a nosedive!
ICELAND is thriving on Suicide Ganks
Just out of curiosity, how much suicide-ganking do you think happens in Eve? How common do you think it is?
This sounds like a prelude to that old tired worn out, “Show us on the Ship where the Suicide Ganker touched you” meme!
A lot of people seem to be under the impression that a specific number of Suicide Ganks have to occur before Suicide Ganking can be considered a problem. So, we get threads of “statistics” which prove that the people being ganked are putting themselves in front of the ganker’s ship, and “statistics” that prove that NO ONE is being Ganked at all! And all, as if there is a specific number of Suicide Ganks that must occur before suicide ganking can be considered a problem!
EVE Online is designed in such a way as to produce Suicide ganking and in such a way as to prevent a player from being able to fight back against a Suicide Ganker!
When CCP markets EVE Online it does NOT inform potential players that EVE Online is NOT a “balanced, competitive” PvP game and that it is designed to be so imbalanced as to tie the hands of one player behind his back for the amusement of another player!
EVE Online is marketed as though it is the same as every other MMO!
And when you discover the truth of EVE Online gameplay in swoop the CCP Falcons to try to convince you that it is you who are wrong and EVE Online has always told you that EVE Online is about "imbalanced, non-competitive, gameplay designed to entertain CyberBullies!
Injustice Anywhere is a threat to justice EVERYWHERE!
It doesn’t matter how much Suicide Ganking is taking place, ONE suicide gank is ONE suicide gank too many!
https://clubpenguinonline.com/ is about your speed.
If suicide ganking was wrong the game mechanics would’t allow it.
I am sorry that you don’t like the game, but it is not going to change its core mechanics because you expected something else when trying it out.
I can’t decide whether that’s just childish naivety or just insanity.
–Gadget has to concur
I’d like to see Criminal activities outlawed in high-sec just to see the reaction from the player base…
FYI, CCP devs are telling people to use those mechanics…
Players could use those tools to encourage cooperation and provide a public service, or they could attempt to discourage other miners through suicide ganking and war decs.
I’d like to see Criminal activities outlawed in high-sec just to see the reaction from the player base…
Some players would wardec more and carebears would cry, because that type of change would be accompanied by a nerf to missions, mining and ratting in highsec too.
The one certainty is always that carebears will cry.
This is NOT doubted or questioned by me!
ICELAND’s economy is thriving on Suicide Ganking.
Selling Suicide Ganking is how CCP is making its money.
Just because you guys are buying their SnakeOil doesn’t mean its good!
wow… time to take off your tinfoil and get both feet planted on the ground dude.
Wait till he starts calling everyone a forum clown.
it gets popcorn worthy.
–Gadget like hers salty
You put up a post that says "CCP encourages Suicide Ganking"
And then say being aware of that is some sort of conspiracy theory???
forum clown
You’re just trolling and so is everyone else!
You put up a post that says “CCP encourages Suicide Ganking”
And then say being aware of that is some sort of conspiracy theory???
Ok, I’ll bite.
Why is it a conspiracy?
ICELAND’s economy is thriving on Suicide Ganking.
Selling Suicide Ganking is how CCP is making its money.
You put up a post that says “CCP encourages Suicide Ganking”
And then say being aware of that is some sort of conspiracy theory???
Suicide ganking is an intended game mechanic if it wasn’t there would be no red setting on the safety switch, because that is THE ONLY reason this setting is there.
All CCP does is to remind people who want to drive other miners away from “their” moon mining field that suicide ganking may be an option they have to look into since there is basically no other way if the enemy miner is in an NPC corp or jumps corp if wardeced.
That breaks freighter balance.
Nice try, though.
Just FYI: It is worth checking OP’s thread history…