High Sec issues I have heard, from both new & old

Yeah, he is the easy-mode-server guy

Can you tell me what you are drinking?

Actually EVE is designed in a way so that if you take on excessive risk other players can take advantage of it. If you don’t like that then don’t take on excessive risk…like the rest of us. I don’t put 8 billion ISK into my obelisk and send it through Niarja without a scout, or webber, or the like. In fact, I don’t even put 8 billion in my obelisk. That is where the gank starts…right there where the pilot makes a really risky decision.

Balance does not mean “fair fight”. In fact, the game is designed specifically so you can fight however you want…fair or unfair. Of course, if you decide to “fight fair” there is nothing stopping the other guy from fighting “unfair” (bringing a friend, using game mechanics to his advantage, etc.).

Been awhile since I looked at the marketing, but I do recall one video that had a player seeking revenge for being ganked by worming his way into the alliance that ganked him and then robbing them to the point where the alliance collapses…

Seemed pretty clear what EVE was from that video.

Good thing this is a video game then.

In this game you are free to do something about this if you want too. Go out there and shoot people.


This is the sort of thread that gives idiots a bad name…


lolwut? :smiley: *off to google all the videos of Icelandic fishing boats suicide ganking other fishing boats that must exist, then


Okay, no suicide ganking, but I did find this. :wink:

----Gadget fishes for a pun


A lot of players in High Sec choose not to buy into the paranoia, ignore advice to constantly mash d-scan and are perfectly fine. Taking the occasional loss is just part of the game.

The real hump for players who want to keep playing long term in High Sec is to get over taking the game too seriously.


–Gadget fishes in stagnate waters.

I love a good “lolwut”!

Go on, explain yourself to raz

you must have missed something. I was the one asking the question.

An undisturbed FOB should lower security,status of it’s system and all neighbouring systems.This would force players to move around more than anything and could create some interesting scenarios.Imagine Niarja suddenly becoming 0.4

And bumping someone for 20 minutes doesn’t?

Are you saying that if a player makes a sequence of bad decisions he should not suffer the consequences of those bad decisions?

I love this argument by the way.

Player A: Bumping is bad!
Me: If you are getting bumped you made several bad decisions.
Player A: But bumping is still bad.
Me: Play smarter and your chances of getting bumped are very low.
Player A: There is no counter play!
Me: Not making 3-5 bad decisions is not counter play?
Player A: You’re just a psychopathic jerk!

There…we’ve had the bumping discussion can we just move on to something else now.


I never said that at all.

Never said that either.

An aware pilot shouldn’t be bumped for 20+ minutes. It is bad game play. The ability to keep someone scrammed without a scramming module is crap game play.

The gankers should gank or move on. It isn’t the victims fault that the gankers don’t have their ■■■■ together.

Role Bonus: cannot be bumped after initiating warp

That doesn’t stop a gank. It just turns the argument around. Instead of the freighter pilot being the lazy one. It proves the gankers are lazy.

It’s just a matter of time, IMO.

If the pilot were semi-intelligent he’d not be bumped for 20+ minutes because he wouldn’t be “bumpable”.

It is the victim’s fault he is gankable in the first place. If you are going to get ganked, and thus bumped, your ■■■■-ups started in station. When you grabbed 6.98 billion ISK worth of cargo and stuffed it into your freighter was your first mistake. Putting on cargo expanders so you can get all that cargo value in there and reducing your EHP was your second mistake. Not having a scout was your third mistake. Not having webs on your scout was your fourth mistake.

Need I go on? When you are getting bumped you have most likely made all of the above mistakes. Would you get in your car, put on a blind fold, put on your iphone head phones and crank up the volume, make sure not to wear your seat belt, and then drive your car around making sure the gas pedal is always mashed to the floor? No? Why? Because it would be stupid!?!?! You don’t say?

Maybe you should be prudent in using your freighter knowing that people are out there that will shoot you and to do so will bump you.

Please, tell us why players who are imprudent and foolish should be exempt from suffering the consequences of being foolish and imprudent?

Not in my view, but ymmv.

The fact that a freighter needs to be bumped is a testament to how strong those ships are. If they could be ganked easily, there’d be no need to move them away from sentry guns and/or hold them until a suitable gank fleet can get in place.

The balance is initially well in favour of Freighters. It’s only once there is 20-30 gankers in place to kill it, that it loses its advantage and the balance swings the other way.

So the bumping doesn’t break the balance. It is the other half of the balance that commences with the massive tank that freighters can achieve.


But he isn’t scrammed at all. He can warp as soon as he alignes to any object or pilot willing to help him. If he had a MJD he could also jump away.

The fact that he chose a really really fat and slow ship which can not fit an MJD and then did not care enough about it to jump it solo directly into a system full of gankers is his own fault.

I find it pretty funny that you say the gankers are lazy but refuse to do the simple steps it would take you to avoid such situations in the first place and instead cry for a special snowflake fix from CCP for your ship.


I know right? I don’t know how self-entitled carebears convince themselves that if CCP gives freighters a magic ‘get out of PVP for free’ role bonus, it somehow proves gankers are lazy.

Hunting freighters requires large, organized fleets with scouts constantly hunting for targets, and bumping itself is far from simple or easy. It requires constant attention and some practice way more demanding than the push-button normal tackle module used outside of highsec. Meanwhile, the effort of a typical freighter pilot in highsec is to click ‘Set Destination’, undock press the autopilot button and go watch Netflix.

The root of the problem is this carebear entitlement. You do not have the right to travel unmolested in this game, even in highsec. Sometimes that means you will be bumped and sometimes that means you will be ganked, but your passage isn’t guaranteed and the game isn’t broken because someone takes advantage of your laziness or lack of preparation to interact with you. Any “fix” to bumping, even this proposed three-minute timer, is still going to allow other players to interact with you and impede your navigation, possibly for more than 20 minutes.

If someone doesn’t like this, Elite: Dangerous has a turn-off PvP mode which maybe more in line with their expectations.


I always use the “…simple steps …” it takes to avoid such situations.
Step 1: Uninstall EVE Online (or Never Install EVE Online)
Step 2: Log into another game made by competent developers.
Step 3: All Ganks Avoided.
Step 4: Profit!

And we are all better off…