Actually, they were cheaper.
Just for the record, I’m probably one of THE most long-time and experienced high-sec war hardmen around.
Actually, they were cheaper.
Just for the record, I’m probably one of THE most long-time and experienced high-sec war hardmen around.
How the hell can that be possible?
They got rid of the scaling costs per player in corps?
Initially, wars were 2m versus corporations and 50m versus alliances. Yes, there was scaling, but it only affected the blanket war groups like the Privateers.
The system later changed to an idiotic one in which the cost scaled up to 500m based on the ratio of defenders to attackers, instead of the other way around. Which is to say that a 2-man corporation declaring against a 5,000-man alliance would pay 500m, and a 5,000-man alliance declaring against a 2-man corporation would get their peens stroked (basically the minimum fee).
Now it’s just a flat 100m per war.
You have to realize I probably have the best face in EvE.
Ain’t nobody got a face more genuinely ridiculous
It gets better the longer you stare at it.
Like the mona lisa
Those were glorious, glorious days.
Ah ok. I’ve never really seen the mechanic as practical either way.
Always seemed a way for people to just clean up unused crap.
It USED to be a way for people to squabble over highsec territory. Nowadays there isn’t even a concept like keeping a highsec system to yourself. Even the ice miners resort to just devouring resources, rather than fighting for them.
So the battle space is now who mines the fastest not who holds on to it the longest?
Miners used to get pissed off at each other and go to war. Good times.
Why dont they just suicide gank more? Too lazy? Too expensive? Cats do not seem too expensive
Miners used to get pissed off at each other and pay us to go to war on their behalf.
Now the mercenary industry is almost completely dead, aside from some POCO squabbles.
If you go way WAY back, we were all miners.
Yeah, I would say that until about 2007-2008 or so, it was actually seen as a normal profession, and many of us did it for income. Even I did it for a while, until I found better ways to make money.
Then, the carebears as we know them today started trickling into the game. At first it was just the occasional whiner here and there, but by the turn of the decade, it was a full-blown movement.
Hard to believe, but there was a time in the game when hardly anyone complained about wars/ganking/PvP in general - it was just seen as a normal aspect of the game.
Crap, the grrr has me by a year…
My face looks like I’m getting hit by a mine…mid explosion
Also I’m not wearing pants
But yes, more (good) wardec options…
Does that make 134?
Officially I’m on 145.
But I have a “to do” list of items I haven’t had the time to update the website with, so it’s prob over 150 by now. (I’ve made forum “bumper stickers” because I’m a slut.)
Keep updating that link. I’m reading it, but taking my time.